Last Friday was the one year anniversary of my diagnosis. This is my new year. As much as I have control over certain things, I have made resolutions. I live my life differently. I don't let the little things bother me as much, and I truly feel sorry for people who get caught up in unnecessary things just to make themselves look or feel better. That feeling they have is only temporary. I pray more, read more, talk more, feel more, and have become much more stable in who I am.
There are down days too. I posted on my facebook wall that I have cried more this last month than in the last year mostly due to my frustration of my limitations. I am still limited physically, mentally, and emotionally. When I get very busy those things rear their ugly heads. I'm still figuring out how to deal with that when it happens.
This blog is not finished for me, because this journey is not finished for me. Today, I have to go and have my port flushed and they are doing bloodwork in preparation for my scans in November. I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say I'm nervous about the upcoming scans, but I have other things to concentrate on right now. Like myself, school, my dissertation, and of course my daughter's wedding!