Saturday, November 24, 2018

A little bump in the road

How do you handle a bump in the road? Some just move on like nothing has happened and keep trudging forward. Some feel devastated and come to a complete stop. What I have learned on my journey is that you will have bumps in the road, and you need to acknowledge them, and move forward at the pace you can. You do not have to do this alone however, enlist in a trusted group of people who will help you.
Why am I writing this? because I have had a minor bump in the road. About a month ago I began experiencing some pain and hemorrhaging. A biopsy was done and was benign (Hallelujah!), but I cannot be on my estrogen blocker right now until they figure out what is going on and we discuss options. The big deal with that is estrogen fueled my breast cancer and the tumor I had also had a high probability of re-occurrence, so being off the blocker isn't a great option. Anyway, I go back to the doctor in a couple of weeks to talk about options. These next 4 months of the year are crazy for this music teacher so I don't really have time for this, but.....I acknowledge it, get on my yoga mat (to keep my blood pressure down), pray(to relieve my brain thinking too far ahead, and lean on "my people"!
One thing is for sure, I feel like I am handling bumps in the road with more grace than ever before.