Thursday, July 25, 2019

Summer of Me update

So, the summer of me is going quite well. That's why I have been a little absent on social media. Anyway, my goal of "moving" everyday is going well. Are there some days it is very painful to move? Yes! But, I'm moving.
After going to Pittsburgh to visit some dear friends of ours, I decided it was time to start phase two of the summer of Kim- NUTRITION
Our friends are very conscious of what they eat, but it is all so delicious. I just ate, and watched, and thought. Now, we ate very healthy, but we also had cheesecake. MODERATION people!!!
So... I am being more purposeful with my choices and portions. Did I have an ice cream sandwich last night? Why yes I did! and that's ok!

Well, summer school is about to begin, it's day 4 and things are going alright.

Also, some other exciting things are in the works...but I need to finalize some things first, so look for some big announcements from the summer of Kim!
