Saturday, September 21, 2019

Two Weeks

In two weeks, I will have the distinct pleasure to speak to over 100 ladies about #Findyourjoy! I am so humbled and honored to be asked to do this. My journey to find and keep my joy is not over by any means whatsoever, but I have been making great strides lately.

Here's a few of the things I've let go of or taken on:

1. I am no longer playing for church on a regular basis.(This was a hard one for me, but I do get asked to play or lead worship other places occasionally and I love that!)

2. I am not going to produce the High School Musical. Brooke and Victoria are amazing and totally have it covered. I want to focus on the Middle School kids as they are the feeder for the High School program.

3. I did not run for NYSSMA zone rep. After I wrote down the positives and negatives I decided now wasn't the time and I feel good about the decision.

4. I have taken on one Homework Help shift a week. It's Monday's, it's an hour, and it's for the 5th grade. I love that I get to spend some time with the new students in our building in a smaller setting.

5. I have decided to help out with the Middle School Musical. Lou was in a position where his two assistants both needed to "bow"(haha get it!) out this year due to their expanding families and new babies! I have to teach music.  I Love that! I also know the kids, I can help get kids to audition, and help promote the musical program, and feed the HS program.

6. I took on a side gig as a Perfectly Posh influencer. I love the product, and was recently re-introduced to it. When I went through chemo and radiation, I received a perfectly Posh Big Fat Yummy hand creme as a gift.  I loved it! Now, I'm going to sell it. Who doesn't like to feel pampered? It certainly helps me Find my joy! Besides, Mark can help me with it, it gives us a little side income to make up for Mark's long-term disability being halted (temporarily *see below), and it's a lot of fun!

I'm so excited to be talking about Joy and my continued Journey, so please send me prayers, good vibes as I speak in two weeks. If something more comes from it, great, if that's the only time I speak about it, that's fine too. I know someone will be there that needs to hear my message and that's all that matters.

* Mark has a Permanent Disability hearing date of January 27, 2020. It only took 18 months instead of 24 months! Start praying now for him. He's a little nervous.

Thanks for reading and being part of my community!


Sunday, September 15, 2019

Update and Family is everything

Sorry I have been a bit absent lately. There have been a few things happening! First, school started and that first full week kicked my butt! It is great to be back at school and back to a routine, but I need to get acclimated to the routine!
I had nothing planned for this weekend except getting caught up on a few things at home, my talk for the women's conference, and start the presentation for the conference my colleagues and I are presenting at in late October. Well, that all took a back seat when Paige called. She was in a cast with a ruptured or partially ruptured achilles tendon. There will be an MRI this coming week to determine if surgery will need to be done. No weight bearing on it. Needless to say,Paige was beside herself. She drives a standard, Roberts is 2 weeks from homecoming (which is a huge weekend for her department), and her hubby started his new second job this weekend.
So.... nothing is more important than family, so Mark and I went to Rochester with Nate's car (which is automatic) so she can drive and returned with her car for Nate to drive(he loves driving standard so he's excited!). We got her a knee scooter so she can get around better, I took her shopping, and made 7 crockpot freezer meals for her and Jared. We also meal-prepped her lunches for the week, and Mark cleaned the house.
Nate took care of things here for us so we could go.

It's all about family....those bound together through blood and those that are not.

Find your family and stay close, help them when they need it. You'll find joy, never be alone, and feel completely at peace.
