Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Resolutions? Goals? or Intentions?

Goodbye 2019 and Hello 2020!

I have a lot to say goodbye to because 2019 was a hard year. I feel like I finally made some progress around October-December in truly finding my joy. Don't get me wrong, there were joys in the first part of the year, and A LOT of lessons learned.

What do you do for the start of a new year? Do you make a resolution? a goal? an intention? What is the difference?

Here are the textbook definitions of all three of those words:

the act of resolving or determining upon an action, course of action, method, procedure, etc.


the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.
the terminal point in a race.


an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.
purpose or attitude toward the effect of one's actions or conduct

This year, I chose to work on intentions, and here's why.

A resolution by it's definition is to resolve or determine a course of action. I did do that, but to resolve sounds like something I did was wrong. I really didn't "do" anything wrong in 2019 that I need to "fix". I lived my life as best I could given each situation that was thrown at me. Could I have done some things differently? Sure, but I can't change those actions, only learn from them. I won't be put in those exact same circumstances again, so resolving to change them won't work for me.

A goal by its definition has a terminal end. My life is ever evolving, changing, and I'm constantly learning. My terminal end on this earth will be when I die, and I don't know when that will happen. So, until then, I live. I live the best life I can learning and growing. 

An intention (in my opinion) is the best choice for me. I spent a few hours yesterday reflecting on 2019 month by month. Looking at the highs and lows and getting a grip on the whole year. I then thanked 2019 for the lessons and blessings it gave me, and said goodbye to it. It is in the past, and now I'm setting my sights on some intentions for 2020 through the lessons and blessings from 2019.

I have thought about resolutions , goals, or intentions for every year, but what was always missing is looking back at the previous year, acknowledging it, and saying goodbye to it. 
That has been the most important piece to me. I can dwell on things I have done wishing I could get that time back and do it differently. The point is, I CAN'T, and I have to be okay with that. This year I am, and feel more than ready to look into 2020 with a clear mind, heart, body, and soul.

Whether you call them resolutions, goals, or intentions, spend some time looking backward and releasing 2019, and look forward to 2020 with hope, peace, love and especially Joy!


Monday, December 23, 2019

The Holidays are Here!

The Holidays are here......Now what?

I have found throughout this last few weeks, that having a plan, staying with that plan, and not over scheduling has me feeling okay about the next week. I am all set except for wrapping, but there really isn't a lot to wrap. I want to spend time with friends and family and that is way more important than tons of gifts.
Mark is doing well. He has been diagnosed with absence seizures and has started medication for it. The med makes him VERY tired, so we do a lot of just hanging out. For instance, last night, we had dinner, watched a Christmas movie with just the Christmas tree lights glowing, went in the hot tub, and went to bed at 9pm. It was perfect.

So..... during the chaos that might be your week, take time to stop, look around and find your joy. It's in the simple things.

Merry Christmas!


Thursday, December 5, 2019

Finding Your Joy through the Holidays- One day at a time

 I have been feeling busy, but I'm not really that busy. It's because I've been thinking about everything that is coming up (which isn't a whole lot) and getting anxious. Yikes! I need to take my own advice. I need to take one day at a time.
Everything is planned, it's on the calendar.
I have lists made and most of the things on my lists are even crossed off.

So I have things under control and just need to take one day at a time.

My good friend Deb and I were talking about this on our way to work this morning. She said to me" I've been feeling a little like that too, I think it's because our Christmases are looking a little different this year".

That was exactly it!

Our Christmas is very different this year than in past years. The day we have Higgins Christmas has changed, Paige and Jared won't be here for Christmas because it's in the middle of the week and their work schedules are colliding, Nate will be leaving on the 26th to house sit about an hour away, and well, things are just different.

It's really okay. I know I'll get to see everyone eventually, and Mark and I will be together.
I also worry about him through the holidays because of all of the changes, so there's that to think of.

We will make it, I just have to take one day at a time and not look too far ahead.


Sunday, December 1, 2019

Finding Your joy through the Holidays- One down, one to go

Well, we made it through Thanksgiving! It was a great day. We went to Paige's for dinner at noon. She and Jared hosted a beautiful dinner with all of the fixings. We left there and stopped in to see Mark's family at his brother Cory's. They had a lovely time as well. Then we headed home to watch the end of the Bills game!
Today, was my birthday. The weather didn't cooperate, but I had a spectacular day. Paige, Jared, Nate, my mom and dad, Mark and I all went to breakfast. Then I went to the Yoga studio where I was able to share a restorative yoga practice with a few friends.
About a year and a half ago, I began taking private yoga sessions with Danielle at Blue Sky Wellness in Springville. I have learned soooooo much about myself, my body, and how to use my breath to regulate many situations. I have completely come off of all of my blood pressure meds in the time I've been practicing, and I can do restorative yoga even with my neuropathy issues. I've had a few friends inquire about how yoga has helped me, so for my birthday I invited a few of them to try it. Most of them had not tried yoga before because they were too nervous and didn't know what to expect. We had a great time and I think I turned a few of them on to restorative yoga!

Tomorrow it's back to work for 15 school days. Most of my shopping is done, I have my meal plan and grocery shopping done for the week, and I'm ready to deal with the next holiday.

I love Christmas! It will look a little different this year as the kids plans are changing. So, we are going to do some new and different things this year and it's ok. Also, I need to make sure Mark is able to navigate the holiday with the changes. So, here we go.
