I'm back!
Where was I?
Wallowing in my self-pity.
Doubting in my ability.
Wondering if putting myself and my life out there was a good thing.
But, I'm back!
Here is the whole truth:
Someone close to me berated me and yelled at me for publishing this blog. This person said to me "You shouldn't be putting your whole life out there for people to see."
This person hurt me terribly. So I stopped writing.
Then Mark's surgery happened and there were complications. School started at the same time, and it was hard. My life felt like it was spinning out of control, and I was mad.
So, I had a heart to heart with myself, prayed a lot, and decided I need to blog. I need the documentation in writing about finding my joy.
Writing down your joys is so important. It makes them tangible. It reminds me of the good things I do have happening in my life amongst the struggles. It puts me in a better place, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
I couldn't come back to this until I reconciled my anger with the person who broke my spirit.
I'm blessed, I'm whole, I'm walking forward, and I'm finding my joy.
It HAS to be my priority.