In a year of uncertainty, this weekend sure took the prize.
Thursday night, we received the phone call about remote instruction. I taught from home on Friday. Many students didn't log in at all to my team. I felt bad. I thought I had prepared them on what to do. It's not me, or my subject, I know that, it's just disheartening in a teaching year that is already disheartening.
So, while I had a Kim pity party, there were some other monumental things that happened to snap me out of it.
See, in the grand scheme of things, some 8th graders not logging on to my team was nothing.
55 students and 10 adults have to quarantine. Some of their siblings(which I have) are as well. What a crazy time for them.
Then Sunday we heard of the passing of a current district employee. This has further saddened the entire district and the High School in particular.
Monday, a music friend of mine(from another district) had a tragedy happen to her. Her husband was severely injured a work. He was taken to ECMC and had surgery to reconstruct his face.
I had to look hard for joys, but I found them.
I did meet (socially distanced of course), with some dear friends I hadn't seen in a long time. We all have relatives that have medical issues making them more fragile. It was awesome to meet and talk, and just catch up.
My friend's husband, is out of surgery, not in a lot of pain, and looks like no injury to the eye. He will have several surgeries to repair other areas, but will make it.
The family of our Pioneer employee who passed is hurting so bad. So I pray for them. She is gone way too soon, but I know she is in Heaven looking down on all of us. Caring for us, as she did here on earth.
So, stop, take a look for those joys, and hold on to them like crazy.
Stop take the time to look at the beautiful Fall colors.
Stop, take the time to listen to the sound of the wind or the birds, or yourself just breathing in and out.
Stop, take the time to feel the cool air or the sunshine on your face.
Above all, Stop and.......