Thursday, December 31, 2020


 I spent an hour or so journaling about 2020 and setting some intentions for 2021. Basically, what came out of my time was that 2020 was a year of further learning for me. I almost feel that what has transpired in mine and Mark's life since the end of 2015 truly prepared us for 2020. Yes, things were scary, things were uncertain, but that is the road we have walked prior to this year. We learned to walk in Joy. So, we were prepared to find joy in this last year too. As I wrote about the things that have happened, there have been way more good things than bad for us. 2020 wasn't without struggles, but constantly looking for and finding joy has put the good things in the forefront of my mind.  2021 will start with treatment for Mark. He has to start his no iodine diet the 2nd(so we both will, as that is what you do for those you love). He goes off his thyroid med for the month as well(that part worries me more as I'm not sure how his body will react), but.... once he is done, he sees the endocrinologist and they will start working on the right dosage of medication .... and our new puppy Remington will be ready to live with us! 

2020 brought the seizure that found Mark's thyroid issue, which turned into surgery, which had complications along the way all while going to multiple doctors and hospitals during Covid. It was scary and unnerving but necessary to get where we are today. Forced to eat differently for a solid month which might just set us up for success since it takes a month for a habit to form. 

My biggest take-away from 2020 and the word I kept coming back to.... PURPOSE! 

While working from home from March through August, I noticed that everything I did began to have purpose. I planned lessons with purpose, I grocery shopped with purpose because I didn't want to make multiple trips to the store, I spent a lot of purposeful time reading, sipping coffee on my deck, doing yoga on my deck, sitting around the campfire, talking to my neighbors, re-imagining Halloween, buying purposeful Christmas gifts, making sure I budgeted purposefully so I could help out local businesses. I feel really good about all of that, and that gives me JOY!

So, my 2021 will be lived with purpose. I will find purpose in the things I choose to do, because that is what gives me joy. 

Watch for a weekly blog as I go on this journey. I'm simply moving my Joy Jar to online. 

Happy New Year and #Findyourjoy