Warning! I literally need to write down my feelings and get them all out before I can list my joys. If you need to.... skip to the bottom where my joys are (they are in the bold)!
This was a HARD week. I hit a wall. I'm super frustrated over quite a bit. Most I cannot control, so I need to get rid of it. Second warning.... skip if you only want to see the Joys!
I am frustrated with teaching in this pandemic. I know I'm not the only one at all... but I was doing well. We all have bad teaching days, but the kids are really restless and well... being Middle Schoolers! Except... many of them are now just moody and angry because their parents are telling them things like... Don't worry about your exploratory classes... they don't count anyway. I knew that this perception has been out there my whole career, but THAT HURT!!! This is my passion and my love and what if I said that about your passion and love? I know you are frustrated.... but hurting others is not the way to make you feel better, and now you are teaching your kid that. Knock it Off! You are the adult. All classes are important.
Unfortunately this is happening with some of my colleagues as well. I knew that perception was always out there too, but most kept quiet about it until now. They don't always verbalize it(sometimes they do though), but their actions speak way louder than words. I feel like I'm not being heard at all some days.
I know this will end, but this week it was hard. I wasn't even in school for most of the week because my sciatic nerve decided it was time to flare up(probably from my frustration) and I couldn't do very much. Again frustrated. I just decided it was time to take care of me. I'm super fortunate to have my dear friend and colleague Donna teaching with me, because I couldn't do this without her.
My hip is back in, and I'm just sore, and doing all the things I should to prevent it from going out again.
The events at the Capitol this week were sad and crazy. All I have to say is that I'm glad Facebook has a snooze feature. People I know from liberals to conservatives have truly shocked me. No matter how frustrated and upset we are... being Nasty or mean or accusatory, or insulting to another human should not be your first choice to make you feel better.
Okay... now I am feeling better so on to my Joys for the week.
Yes amongst all of that I had Joys.
Mark is doing well on his no iodine diet. It is hard and he misses dairy the most, but I'm so proud of him for being so strong.
We have had sunshine in the last two days... that makes a HUGE difference in how we feel. Bring on the vitamin D!
And lastly.... I have a job, a home, food on my table, and companionship.... I am truly blessed.