Sunday, February 28, 2021

Joys for the week ending February 28th

 Wow! Today is the last day of February! Tomorrow is March 1st! 

On the news shows this morning, many are talking about the anniversary of the shutdown coming up.  I have a lot to reflect on with in a couple of weeks I will do a separate post on that only. 

It's been a good week. Back to school after the break. It was nice to get into a routine again nice and refreshed. 

Here are my joys for the week.

1. Mark had a good week. He (with the help of Nate....and little Remington too) put in a new garbage disposal. Being able to do those things makes him feel good. Remington kept trying to crawl under the sink with him, and at one point stole his screwdriver and tried to drag his hammer away! He laughed and smiled when he was telling me about it.

2. I had a good week too. I got all of my assignments up for the week on Wednesday(first time ever), and I didn't have to do any school work at home this weekend.

3. Nate, Mark and I played Trivial Pursuit last night. Nate and I read all of the questions as that is difficult for Mark, but he remembers things so well (especially history).... and HE WON! He felt really good about that too!

These are little things that have really uplifted Mark's spirit this week... so even the littlest thing can bring Joy. Don't overlook them... Find them!

Have a good week and #Findyourjoy

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Joys ending February 21, 2021

 This week has flown by! Probably because it was a break week. I'm ready to go back and get into a schedule again. This also means that the next break is Easter and it'll be warmer! I'm ready for that too. Warmer weather, longer days, and more sunshine.

Here's my Joys for the week

1. A restful break. We did what we wanted when we wanted. It was lovely

2. Mark had an ok week. He gets better every day. I think getting him to the endocrinologist will help immensely and so will warmer weather and longer days with sunshine.

3. I've been keeping to my budget. I'm very proud of that.

4. Remington and Jaeger are doing amazingly together. Mark smiles when he is playing with them and that makes me smile.

We're almost to Spring(less than a month now).... Hang in there and #Findyourjoy

Thursday, February 18, 2021

What's on my mind?

 I love how Facebook asks "What's on your mind, Kim?" Well, I have a lot on my mind today....more than just a quick facebook post so I thought I'd write it here.

I am on February break this week. It's been a nice week. I get up when my body says it's time(or the puppy does! lol!), I have coffee in my pajamas, and watch the Today show. I have seen many multiple news reports on the affects of the pandemic on students and the call and need to get students back to school and how getting teachers vaccinated will help with that. 

I agree on quite a few of the points given, but there is one huge thing that is not being talked about.  How are educators going to take ALL of the lessons learned from this pandemic and remote learning and hybrid learning etc.,  and make a necessitated change to how we educate students in America? 

Teachers are creative, Many develop and deliver amazing lessons that are engaging. Teachers had to take that skill and turn it up a few notches during this time. Now we are facing more educational gaps than ever upon returning to "normal".  So, how do we address those gaps?

I believe that we need to look at each student individually, their skill set, and purposefully target those deficiencies. It's almost like having each student having an IEP. Students with and without disabilities, because let's face it.... all students will have some deficiencies coming out of this. 


Do we "reset" the grade level expectations? 

Do we need grade level expectations? 

Do we need individual student expectations? 

Here's where the problem lies. Schools have been working on a "age-level" cohort model for a long time. This pandemic and the toll on education should make us all realize that we are failing our students if we do not take them where they are at and move them through their educational years based on their skill set, needs, and interests. 

How do you figure out where a students is at?

How do you schedule that sort of thing throughout the day?

What about "extra" classes (BTW- I hate that term.... I am not extra or exploratory(everything is exploratory)). I AM ESSENTIAL! Not to every kid, but to many. 

Come on educators..... let's do what we want our students to do... THINK! Let's make up those "gaps". Let's make education a priority. Let's treat all classes as equal. Let's get the students involved in their education, and let's make it appropriate for each individual where they are at and help each student reach their utmost potential. 

I have a lot of ideas on this and may write again on it soon, but that's it for now. 


Sunday, February 14, 2021

Joys for the Week Ending February 14th

 Valentines Day. A day to celebrate love. I think we should celebrate love every day. I also think we should celebrate joys every day. So here we go!

I received my second covid vaccine. Did I have side effects? Yes. Was it awful? Yes. But..... I knew it was temporary and the protection it provides me, those around me, and especially Mark is well worth it. 

My Aunt Brenda passed away this week. While we are grieving here, she didn’t suffer long, and peacefully passed with her family there. She joins her husband and other sister brother and brothers in law in heaven and they are singing in beautiful harmony! My cousins have decided to do a graveside ceremony this summer on their wedding anniversary. What a beautiful idea to celebrate their many years of marriage. 

It’s February break this week and I have nothing planned and that brings me joy!


Sunday, February 7, 2021

Joys for the week ending February 7th

 Wow, I cannot believe it is February already! About two weeks ago, it seemed January was crawling, but now it's February!!!! It's very cold and snowy, but we are one step closer to Spring! 

Here's my joys for the week.

1. There were two times when I was driving to school, that I saw a peek of the sunrise! Just a little bit of light, but these days are getting longer!

2. It's also light past 5:00pm now!!! Longer days means Spring is coming.

3. I had the privilege to attend a dear friend's memorial service. We were social distanced in the church and masked. She was an incredible woman who fought cancer with grace and dignity. She was kind, put others before herself, and had incredible faith in God. I love you Doris and now you are whole again. 

4. Mark is doing better every day. Now to wait until all of the radiation is cleared from his body and he will be eligible for the vaccine. 

Look for those joys, they are there! Even in the midst of losing my friend, I find joy in the legacy she has left with her family and the goodness she spread while here on earth. I can only hope to do the same. 
