Monday, June 28, 2021

I'm in summer mode and Joys ending the week of June 27

 You can tell I'm in summer mode because I'm posting this on Monday! I love not having a schedule. It won't be for long as I have to prepare and teach summer school, but August will be a time of not having a schedule again! 

I saw this quote the other day, and I apologize that I can't remember where or who said it, but it made me stop and think.

"More is lost from indecision than a bad decision." 

I guess they are not talking about a bad decision like something you have done before and it was a bad decision, but not "going" for something because you wouldn't make the decision. 

Making decisions is hard sometimes. As I'm nearing a time I could literally be thinking about retirement, there are a lot of decisions to be made. When is the right time? What do we want to do in retirement? Will we have enough money to do it? 

I have a feeling I'll know when the decisions need to be made if they are the right ones or not. I will make them though. 

Here are my joys for the week:

1. School is done. What a crazy year.

2. I'm feeling content. I love spending some leisure time with Mark with no plans.

3. Nate opens in the Shakespeare walk through Delaware Park on Tuesday. We had the opportunity to do the walk for their dress rehearsal. It was really cool. 

4. The top to the Jeep has been off for two days! I love it!

5. I get to see Paige and Jared this weekend. 


Sunday, June 20, 2021

The School Year is Ending this Week and Joys ending the Week of 6/20

 The school year is ending this week. It has been an interesting year.... one of the toughest ever in my career. I applaud all educators who have persevered during these last 15 months. Bravo! We made it. We made it through many different types of teaching, we made it through being considered heroes to then being considered lazy and uncaring. The negatives were from frustration I know, but it was hard for all of us. Now we rest. or Now we rest? Teachers hardly ever rest. I know I will begin teaching summer school on July 6th and I have a lot to get done to be ready to do that. I have also scheduled all of my professional development hours in July, so I am hoping to be able to take August off. We'll see though, like I said....teachers hardly ever rest.

Here are my joys for the week:

1. It was mine and Mark's 31st wedding anniversary on Tuesday. I love him more today than yesterday.

2. We were able to go out to dinner on Saturday night to The Old Orchard Inn to celebrate. The food was delicious, and it was quiet enough so Mark was good.

3. Today is Father's Day. My dad is the best! I will see him today for dinner, but we spent the last two days getting some family ancestry things in order. 

4. I was able to play in church again this morning. I provided special music. It feels so good to be able to contribute again.

5. Nate is back in rehearsals for Shakespeare. It makes him so happy... and me too!

Have a great week and #findyourjoy

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Joys ending the week of June 13 and The End is in Sight!

 The end of the regular school year is in sight! As I was creating videos for my students who are still on full remote, I realized how much we ALL have endured. Those kids who remained remote... well, most have done well. I told them how proud I was of them and to the 8th graders I passed on some advice for High School and to the 7th graders that I hoped I would see them in person next year. 

We finish on June 25th with students, and then I start again teaching summer school on July 6th. Not a huge turn around time, but I'll put my nose to the grindstone once more and get it done. I will be able to complete all of my necessary 11 month hours that I can in the month of July... then I'll rest. August will be for me. 

Make sure you take time for yourself, really rest. 

Here's my joys for this week:

1. My 8th grade students are doing really well with their final analysis songs. They are learning a lot about the songs they picked. More than they thought they would I think.

2. Our school district lifted the mandatory wearing of masks. My biggest fear was how the students would treat each other. Donna and I just approached it like everything else in our classroom.... RESPECT. We told the students that no matter what we want everyone to respect each other. So far so good.

3. Mark and Nate went to an event yesterday. It's a rendevouz called the Joey. They had a nice time and I'm glad to see Mark and Nate do this together.

4. I'm playing some a church again. It is nice.

5. Mark and I will celebrate our anniversary this week. 

I hope you can find your joy this week.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

This was a rough week and Joys for the week ending June 6

 This was a rough week. I didn't feel well for most of the week. I can't truly put my finger on why this happened, it just did. My ankle that I broke 11 years ago began swelling and giving me trouble. This caused my blood pressure to go up. Although that was probably more stressed related. I need to take some control back with the things i can control, and find some way to let go of the things that bother me that I cannot control. I spent a lot of time evaluating some things this week. I evaluated some relationships, I evaluated my health, I evaluated the things I commit to.... just a lot of reflection and evaluating. It's good to sit, reflect and evaluate. I should really do it more often. 

Anyway...through all of the chaos of my week, there were some joys too, so here they are:

1. I played for the High School production of "The Pajama Game". I'm glad the kids were able to do it and have a limited live audience.

2. The Music Department Golf Tournament was fun and successful. We can most certainly continue giving scholarships to students going into music!

3. Mark was able to play golf 5 times this week. It makes him happy.

Did you find some joy? I hope so!