You can tell I'm in summer mode because I'm posting this on Monday! I love not having a schedule. It won't be for long as I have to prepare and teach summer school, but August will be a time of not having a schedule again!
I saw this quote the other day, and I apologize that I can't remember where or who said it, but it made me stop and think.
"More is lost from indecision than a bad decision."
I guess they are not talking about a bad decision like something you have done before and it was a bad decision, but not "going" for something because you wouldn't make the decision.
Making decisions is hard sometimes. As I'm nearing a time I could literally be thinking about retirement, there are a lot of decisions to be made. When is the right time? What do we want to do in retirement? Will we have enough money to do it?
I have a feeling I'll know when the decisions need to be made if they are the right ones or not. I will make them though.
Here are my joys for the week:
1. School is done. What a crazy year.
2. I'm feeling content. I love spending some leisure time with Mark with no plans.
3. Nate opens in the Shakespeare walk through Delaware Park on Tuesday. We had the opportunity to do the walk for their dress rehearsal. It was really cool.
4. The top to the Jeep has been off for two days! I love it!
5. I get to see Paige and Jared this weekend.