Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Some thoughts

Here are some thoughts I have as I am preparing for stage two of my journey. I am a planner, and I like to have a plan for every scenario. Some people think that is crazy, but it actually gives me comfort. So, I have two things I want to do. Number one, I want to grow out my hair. If I start now, I start now, if I have chemo and lose it, I start then, but I have a goal to grow my hair out and be able to donate it. It is a tangible thing I can do. Paige said she would do it with me and I can't wait.

Second, I want to de-clutter. I have been doing a lot of reading on how to eliminate stress(which I want to be as stress free as possible in stage two of my journey), and many people feel that living simply is a way to do it. I have some very close friends doing this as well. I plan to take the year to do it by choosing a room a month and totally de-cluttering that area. Above all, I need to make sure that everything I do has purpose, it has to absolutely be good for me. 2016 is the year of Kim. As selfish as that sounds, its what will have to be. I need to focus on me, and this 2nd stage of my journey.

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