Sorry for such a downer post ahead of time, but I am frustrated. I'm still holding on to the remnants of this cold, I'm waiting for that last test result, I'm going through more tests in preparation for starting chemo, and to top it all off, I received a letter from the insurance company that my initial ultrasound in October(after the Dr. thought he saw something on the mammogram) is not going to be paid because it was deemed medically unnecessary! I know that will work itself out because as soon as the insurance company sees that they took a 3.5cm. invasive cancerous tumor out of me 2 months later.....
Anyway, according to everything I read, I'm suppose to decrease my stress level. Right now, that is hard. I have my echocardiogram on Monday, blood work sometime this week, they have scheduled the mediport for the 28th and chemo starting the 29th. I'm so discombobulated right now, I don't know where to put my energies. I don't want to sit idle because it makes me think too much. Maybe I'll clean my house. And... I ended up having to take a leave from the university. They only allow 3 weeks in between classes, so I would have had to start my dissertation on Monday. I really wanted to know my treatment plan before I started, so I took a leave until I have the treatment plan, begin it, and see how I do.
Please send prayers and good thoughts my way to decrease my stress level.
Thinking of you and know how difficult this all is!!