Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A case of the "why me"'s

This week has been really hard. Hard enough for me to whisper "why me"? Rounds 5-8 should have been easier. That's what everyone said. Taxol was the easier drug to deal with. It was until 27 hours later. Only I would have a severe allergic reaction to it. So now I fight to clear that chemical from my system and see what they are going to do next week.

So, I don't know why me, I try to be patient and take care of myself. I hope I catch a break soon.

1 comment:

  1. Sending healing thoughts to you. I give you credit, I could never get through it with as much courage as you have had. It sounds so hard and discouraging. A truly horrible ordeal to go through and you are still trying to make the best of it. I hope your system clears, do they really need to put you through more of it? Keep up your good spirit and rest. Your break had better be coming really soon.
