So today I am sitting here starting Round 6. The doctor had me come in as the first patient so that they could get started. After going over what happened the last time and my hospital stay, the doctor told me that only 1% of patients have the reaction I did as late as I did. So, here's the plan.
I am currently being loaded up on steroids and benadryl ( I actually started oral steroids yesterday and will continue those for a few days). Then after that, they will start the Taxol VERY SLOW for the first hour, if I do alright, then they will turn it up a bit and so on every hour until it's gone as long as there is no problem. You have to remember though, I had the reaction 27 hours later. I have to stay at home so I'm close to the hospital this weekend.
Also, because of the reaction and the craziness of my blood work, He is putting me on potassium pills, and I will have to stay away from crowds and have to be careful not to come in contact with anyone sick or who might be a carrier. He was glad I haven't been teaching because with no Neulasta for my counts, I need to be extra careful.
If I have a reaction this time, my rounds may possibly be over. They hope they can complete them, but we have to see.
On a positive note from my last round, there was a 5-12 choral concert this past Wednesday. My chorus performed and they were great! The choruses dedicated the concert to me, and as I watched via the live feed, they waved at me and gave me a message of love. My principal texted me near the end, and let the kids and audience know that I was watching! I miss them so much. Seeing them gave me the courage to try this round and finish this race so I can be with them again.
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