Sunday, July 8, 2018

Find your Joy

I have had a lot of comments either in person or on line regarding my #findyourjoy.  It is really something I try to live everyday. Everyone has their struggles, and this mantra applies to anyone.  Just find one thing you can be joyful for. The sunshine, the birds singing, a restful night, a little time without pain etc.

One thing I have noticed by doing this is how negative people can be.  I get very uncomfortable when I hear negativity now, especially from people who I can see where all of the joyful things are in their life.  I have to remember that I don't know where people are at in their own personal lives, and I need to gently remind them or encourage them to find a positive.

So, now that I feel comfortable as to where I am at with my joy journey, it's time for the next step. ME, I am the next step. My neuropathy is something I cannot find joy in, I constantly remind myself that I am cancer free, but the neuropathy is permanent and it does interfere with my daily living more often than not.  So, I am going to focus on me. I am making some small, sequential changes in my physical life that I will be sharing as I go. I have been doing a lot of research on peripheral neuropathy and will be making these changes starting this week. So..... stay tuned!

P.S. Mark is doing well, we are still awaiting initial determination on Social Security Disability, so keep us in your prayers and keep finding your joy!


  1. Yay for YOU! Hopefully the changes you make will give you some relief.

  2. Hope the changes work. You have been an inspiration to many. Your joy shows!

  3. God Bless you on your journey. You have helped me find my joy everyday.
