In some ways this time has been crawling, but in other ways it is flying by. I've seen many posts today about it being April 1st and how glad people were to get March behind them. They are also worried about how long April might feel. I get it, but there are ways we can fill our days so they don't seem so long.
Here's my day:
1. I'm waking up whenever my body decided to- it is close to my normal time, but I know my carpool ride isn't coming at 6:20am so I take my time getting up
2. I shower (usually the dog then climbs in my spot to snuggle with Mark!)
3. I get dressed. (Yes I get dressed! I even wore a skirt one day last week because it was warm. Broke out the flip-flops too!)
4. I do my hair and makeup
5. I make a pot of coffee, get my breakfast, and sit at the table to eat it.(usually by this point Mark is coming out to get a cup of coffee too. We sit together at the table and discuss the plan for the day.)
6. After breakfast I do a short devotional and then get on my yoga mat and stretch.
7. Off to work (In the same room as my yoga mat) I put something yummy in the diffuser, grab my water bottle and log in.
8. I check my to do school list and get to work. at 11, I open my Microsoft Teams so the kids can contact me. I keep working on new curriculum, old curriculum, and the emails coming in about various things.
9. While I do this, Mark works on a couple of tasks we had discussed earlier.
10. After my meetings and curriculum work, I log off of school things and I get a snack.
11. Mark and I then tackle the together task we determined we would do in the morning. (For instance, today was deep clean the living room day. He did the floors and I did the dusting a picking up.
12. Then I make supper(Also pre-determined at our morning coffee clutch!)
13. Mark does the dishes and then we will take a walk, or soak in the hot tub
14. We then usually watch something on TV together.
15. Bedtime- any time I feel like it!
My day may seem a little rigid, but it's really quite flexible. I like the basic structure though. On the weekends that obviously changes. Our Saturday and Sunday do not have as much going on, Saturday is reserved for cleaning either outside or inside and Sunday for rest.
I feel in control with this schedule, and right now anything I can have control of makes me feel better. It also is making the weeks move a little faster.
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