Sunday, April 18, 2021

How do you "Let it Go"? and Joys ending the week of April 18th

 Letting things go is super hard for me. I think it might be a girl thing. When I have a bad day...or week (like this week), I'll come home and Mark will listen to my re-telling of the day... but more often than not say"Kim, you have to let it go." Well, this week.... that totally annoyed me! 

I have a hard time letting things go. Do you? So, I did a little evaluating this weekend on why I have such a hard time. 

I'm a planner. I like to have a plan and have everything in order. I try to be flexible, and sometimes I can be, but when my plans are dependent on someone else doing something I think they should it all falls apart.

So, where am I now? I am struggling. I am struggling between the plan I have in my head not being able to happen because the people I need to make changes so that will happen can't or won't and just saying "oh well, that's the way it's going to be" and move on. The problem comes when it is something that you care about. 

I haven't resolved this, and it might never be resolved and I might have to be okay with that. 

This week.... I work on "Letting Go".

In the midst of this chaos in my head and heart, I have found joys and here they are:

1. Sunday dinner and dominoes with my parents are the best

2. My colleague Bridgette had her baby a couple of weeks early and everyone is doing fine!

3. Nate is her sub so I get to work with him through the end of the year.

4. The sun is shining and that helps my soul

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