Sunday, May 9, 2021

Joys Ending the week of May 9th and Mother's Day

 It was a nice Mother'sDay. My kids worked together and got me a bracelet I have wanted for awhile. Nate brought me coffee and cinnamon rolls this morning, then helped me make dinner which we took to my parents house for our weekly dinner and dominoes date. I also talked to Paige this morning while she was getting ready to host Jared's family for brunch. 

My neuropathy has been horrible for the last week and will probably not settle down for the next week if the forecast is correct. I'm managing though. When I get really down about it, I just remember all the blessings or I see a situation that is far worse than what I'm dealing with. For instance, Mark went to a colonial rendezvous this weekend, and one of the older guys there who has been doing this for a long time was there. He also has neuropathy. He also has a leg so bad that they have contemplated having to amputate. His family knows how much he loves this so they came and set his stuff up for him, and got him into camp. The rest of the camp spent the weekend visiting him, bringing him treats and bringing him joy. On Sunday, his family came and helped him pack up and go home. 

What small thing can you do this week for someone to bring them joy? Look for opportunities. It'll spread some kindness and joy to that person, and will make you feel fantastic.

My joys for the week:

1. I had a wonderful Mother's Day

2. I spent Saturday doing what I wanted, and binge watched some tv.

3. Mark had a good time at rendezvous. It makes him happy which makes me happy.

4. Tried a new lesson on Wednesday. It paired popular music with emotions. It went pretty well.

5. I'm going to do the lesson again this Wednesday for the other group of students I have. I need to strengthen up the end of the lesson. I'm so glad i get another crack at it.

Have a great week and #findyourjoy

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