Sunday, September 19, 2021

Crying and joys ending the week of September 19th

 Some say crying is good for the soul. If that is true, then my soul should be very good. Since school has started I have cried everyday except last Friday. This is hard. I knew why but also didn’t know why. Last year we were hybrid. That had its own challenges but my class sizes were smaller. I could connect with kids much easier. I also was making connections with kids through chats when they were online. Now that we’re back to “normal” my class sizes are as big or bigger than they were pre-pandemic. I guess I forgot how hard that was. 

Last year I barely ever had to remind the kids to keep their masks on. Now I say it 50 times a day at least. It’s exhausting. 

I hope I start getting used to this, because I need a life outside of school and need to not cry every day. 

Finding joys was hard this week, but I found them and here they are:

1. We installed our new pastor on Sunday.

2. My student teacher started teaching her lesson and she is doing great

3. The students are beginning to play ukuleles in class and they love it

4. Movie night on the deck and a gorgeous moon

5. A Saturday with nothing to do but watch what I wanted to watch

As always I hope you can #findyourjoy 

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