In the 7 steps to finding your joy, sometimes this can be the easiest or the hardest.
Being an encourager makes you not think about your situation for a minute so you can encourage others. Sometimes we want to not look at our own situation so we deflect it by throwing encouragement elsewhere. Thats okay, but you have to be careful that you are not avoiding something. You can't be an effective long-term encourager if you aren't filled with encouragement.
You have to make sure you are encouraging others because you are so filled with encouragement it is literally spilling over. Read that again.....not so easy during this time is it. I have been struggling with it myself. In order for me to do this, it requires that I take care of myself first. It has always been that way. The more I am taken care of, the better I can take care of those around me. So, how do I do that?
I post a pampering Sunday video on one of my pages. It makes me think about how I am taking care of me. This week, it's drinking a hot beverage. In my case, tea. I choose my tea carefully, I have a special cup I drink it from, I savor the smell as the tea steeps, I wrap my hand around the warm cup, and I give thanks for the quiet time I have to recharge. Even 5 minutes will do a soul some good.
So, I encourage you to fill up, in whatever way you can by taking a few minutes or even an hour to re-charge yourself so you can be an encourager to others.
Here are my Joys for the week ending 11/28
1. A short week at school. We all needed the break.
2. Having some wonderful conversation with my colleagues at work Tuesday.
3. Preparing Thanksgiving dinner.(Really Mark did A lot of it, I'm so lucky)
4. A quiet Thanksgiving day
5. Having tea before I get ready for this week at school