The international events of the day are scary. Is it even correct to be going along with our lives and trying to find joy?
Shouldn't I just be joyful because I'm not in the Ukraine wondering if my life will be gone in the next few minutes?
Finding joy and pursuing it whole heartedly is a worthy endeavor. It is okay to continue to do this in the midst of the chaos.
First, we are in a better place to deal with the ills of this world when we are seeking joy.
Second, you can be joyful in your own life and be concerned and saddened for someone else.
So, what do we do with horrible situations like this that are way out of the scope that we as individuals can handle and change?
Here is what some of my friends have done this week:
~ I have a friend who set aside her meditation day(Wednesday) to focus all of her prayers and meditations on the people of the Ukraine. She also called on her friends to meditate and/or prayer for a half hour on Friday. The power of numbers is quite effective.
~ I have a blogging friend who recognized that this is bigger than her, and is living her life to the fullest and emphasizing her prayer time to this situation. She is giving it to God.
~ I have two friends who had babies this week. They are holding those bundles of Joy tight, and bringing light to the babies being born in the Ukraine this week in bomb shelters. There are many links to help with monetary donations. You can do a google search and choose an organization you feel comfortable with
~I have received many emails from various prayer chains to pray for the situation
~I continue to move forward with my schedule but set aside time to educate myself on the situation and I pray that peace and joy will win.
Do your best this week. Find those joys and hold on to them.