Friday, November 6, 2015

Strong and weak

The dictionary has many definitions of the word strong. I have been grappling this week as to how strong I am or how weak I am.  To have strength is to have courage by one of the definitions, and that is the one I hold to. I am not physically or emotionally strong right now, but I can strive to have courage.
On the other side, to be weak is to be fragile. I am fragile right now. Luckily I have a multitude of friends and family who are my "bubble wrap". They are protecting my fragility. I will be forever in their debt. So I am strong, and I am weak, and that's okay. I accept it.

So, here's an update. I went to the surgeon on Wednesday. I learned a few new things. The cancer is invasive(not so good), but I am late stage 1 early stage 2 (not so bad). I cannot receive hormone therapy as I am estrogen receptor negative (could be okay, could not). All that means is my treatment options are a little more limited for the oncologists. I am having genetic testing done as the doctor says I am young and it would be a good idea. That testing takes a month for the results. The testing happens this Monday so my surgery has been scheduled for December 14th. Currently I am slated for a lumpectomy and they will take 3 lymph nodes to test them as well. If the genetic testing comes back positive(which is a slim chance)(Yay!) then I will meet with the surgeon to talk about surgery again and if I wish to keep the same course of action.

If you are a praying person, please pray for me to be able to sleep at night. I want to be as rested and healthy as possible going into this and have not been sleeping very well at all. Most importantly, Thank you for reading my blog. It is therapeutic for me. Even if I see you just hit the like button, I look and know it was you and you care and that gives me a lot of comfort.


  1. My cancer was invasive as well, so try not to let that scare you. I had multiple cancers in multiple locations and because of that I choose to have a mastectomy. It was not an easy decision, but it was the best decision for my situation. God is good and all things are possible through him. That was my mantra through my battle. I claimed God's healing the day I learned cancer had invaded my body. Have faith my friend and continue to rely on family, friends, and most importantly God.

  2. I love you friend. I know that God is going to use you in a mighty way. Submit your body to him. He's got this and he has you in the palm of his hand.

  3. My breast cancer was also invasive & at time of diagnosis I was told it was staged between a 2C-3. It was scattered throughout a 7cm area of my breast, so surgery was definitely necessary, as well as almost 14 months of chemo & 30 radiation treatments. God was in complete control of my journey from the time of diagnosis until completion & praise God after the pathology report from my surgery came in, I was down-staged to a 2B, (a B because of 1 lymph node being involved)!! Of course I had fragile moments, fear of the unknown & some meltdowns through the whole process, but God helped give me a strength I knew I didn't have on my own to get through all of it, as well as a positive mind set, which kept me in "fight mode"... I refused to let my mind think negative & I stayed focused on fighting & winning!! He also blessed me with a wonderful support system of family, friends & church families, which is so needed. A great chapter I have held close to me & read repeatedly is Psalm 91. God is the Divine Healer & I also claimed his healing & was given such a peace, knowing he would take care of me! I agree, having faith is most important & giving yourself & your diagnosis to God! Remember God is stronger & greater than anything in this life...He is right there with you at every appointment, knowing exactly what you're facing & every moment of each day & night...He will bring you through this...give it all to him! Prayers for you, Kimberly ❤
