Saturday, January 12, 2019


As an educator, I know, and fully believe that we need to meet students where they are.  Yes, this is difficult in the age of mandated testing etc., but I can  control what happens in my classroom. So, if this is something I fundamentally believe in, meeting people where they are, and walking along beside to help them become the best person they can, I have one question.  Can I meet myself where I am? Can I really? Can I allow myself some grace?

We do so much for others, but do we exhibit the same to ourselves? I don't think I do as well as I should. If I'm focused on others, I don't have to be focused on myself. Looking at yourself is scary, the flaws, the "wish I would haves", the "wish I could haves"...... but we should be able to show ourselves a little grace and like ourselves.

A very interesting conversation with a wise person whom I admire deeply said to me yesterday... "Stop looking in the past, I don't, it would really depress me to look at the mistakes I made. Just know that those things in your past made you who you are today, learn from them and go forward.  The things that have happened to you in the past 4 years are just a small part of your journey, they made you who you are. Learn and move forward." 

How do we extend grace to ourselves? I'm not quite sure on this one, as I'm just learning it myself.  I think prayer and meditation is a good start.  Being able to feel all feelings good and bad.  Remembering the good, acknowledging the bad and moving it on its way is a start.  A start.... a daunting start maybe. I have some anger from the past 4 years and all that has happened in my life.  I need to acknowledge it and send it on its way.  I can't imagine what life will be like after I can accomplish that, but I know I won't be dwelling on the "why did this happen, and can this year be without crazy trauma?

So.... I embark on a journey, a journey of showing myself grace.  I do a fairly good job of it with others, so why not try it on myself. 

Join me.... show yourself some grace today.  I'll be posting on my journey and things I'm doing to help me.

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