Saturday, January 5, 2019


Fear can paralyze a person, but if we face the fear, push it away, and replace it with something else like Joy, we can deal with it. That is where I am right now. Pushing the fear aside and finding my joy again. The joy deep within me where the fear was.
See, fear isn't a surface feeling. We can have a sudden surface fear like when we are in a haunted house and get scared by something. It's temporary. Deep fear is something that is always there looming in the background where it can pull and tug at you and in many cases other people have no idea that fear is there.
I'm exposing my fear, acknowledging it, sending it on its way, and replacing it with Joy.
See, my fear is this cancer and all it has brought to me will never be eradicated. It seems like I had a lot of complications at every turn. I know I am so much luckier than many, but this is a deep seeded fear. It caused a panic attack which was scary.
Yesterday I posted something that came to me through facebook. It was about spilling what was in your cup. You eventually will be in a situation where your full cup will spill.  What is in your cup? Fear, anger, and resentment....or Joy, happiness, and love.
You can put into your cup what you want. It's YOUR cup! You don't always have control of what bumps into your cup and causes it to spill, but you do have control of what spills out.

So I am not filling my cup with fear....I'm going to fill it with Joy. Not an easy task but that is why we have God, friends, and family. They help us fill our cup.

What is your cup filled with?

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