Saturday, June 1, 2019


I often think about what my purpose is.  I have(over my lifetime) assumed many roles.  These roles have come and gone, overlapped with one another only to possibly transect each other again and a different point in my life. These roles have defined my purpose. That too has changed with the ever weaving tapestry of my roles.

So, these roles, what have they been or what are they now?  Well, currently I think some of my roles are: wife, mom to adult children, daughter, friend, and teacher.

Wife- Merriam-Webster defines wife as a woman acting in a specified capacity. That "specified capacity" changes too. I'm a partner, a listener, a care-giver, and a confidant.  

Mom(to adult children)- I've been this for awhile now. I like it.

Daughter- I'm fortunate to be able to live in the same town as my parents. I see them every Saturday for breakfast. There is stability and consistency there. I need that.

Friend- I have always struggled with this one. See, I don't think I'm a great friend. I'm nice and all, but I'm not one to go out with the girls or call, or make sure I connect. That's a problem. 

Teacher- This takes up the majority of my time. I want to be a good teacher right up to the day I retire. Teaching is not only a physical job, but an emotional one as well. If you allow yourself to receive the "heart pay" teaching provides, then you have to give that heart into teaching. This whole teaching thing can be exhausting. I need to remember to re-charge.

So .... what is my purpose? Not an easy question to answer. I guess my purpose is to live in these roles which are a part of my life and who I am right now, and to do it with grace. Grace to those I meet, those who are the other halves of these roles, and most importantly me. 

Be kind and graceful to me.

Be kind and graceful to those you meet.


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