Monday, March 30, 2020

Keeping Busy

Today was the first day I uploaded music activities to my Microsoft Teams. I have "office hours" every weekday. THIS IS CRAZY!!!! I just want to teach. I'm not cut out to do it this way. I miss my students and I'm worried for a lot of them.
How am I dealing with this?
 A list
A list of school things to do everyday such as preparing new activities, creating and re-creating new lesson plans for when we go back, and trying to reach out to students.

I also am doing a list of home things like: cleaning one room a day (dusting, vacuuming and mopping, etc.), de-cluttering, and making a list of projects to do once this is over!

I am also working on a proposal for the Middle School National Conference so my summer school colleagues and I can hopefully go present there in the Fall. I'm also working in conjunction with Roberts Wesleyan's education department and present our summer school instruction ideas to the current students. We were suppose to present at the Bowman Educational Symposium at the college in May but it was canceled.
My mom actually said to me the other day "Don't you wish you were still working on your dissertation right now? Think of the time you'd have!"  Yes and No! I'm glad that's over and I have my degree but the time would have been nice.
Anyway, I hope you are keeping busy with productive things to make yours and others lives better.


Sunday, March 29, 2020

Breathe in.... Breathe out

Somedays, that's all we can do and that's ok. This morning, I woke to a beautiful breeze coming through my window, and the birds singing me a song. So I laid in bed and just listened. I took deep breaths and I listened.

It was wonderful!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Keeping positive

I am fully admitting that it is getting increasingly hard to stay positive, but here is what I am doing:

1. I am NOT watching the news. If I want information, I get it from reliable sources. I know what I need to be doing. I need to be STAYING HOME. I even told Mark not to talk to me about the news. When I want to know, I'll go to my reliable sources myself.

2. I am going to be blocking a few people on my social media temporarily. There are people  out there who never think positively, and only post negative things or post things from unreliable sources. I see those and panic, so I'm shutting them off temporarily.

3. I am keeping the things I can control in my control. I can go outside and breathe fresh air, I can control what to watch on TV, I can control cleaning my house, I can control where I go to get groceries or I can have them delivered.

Keep at the positive Joy announcements. Keep writing them down!


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Step #7- Write Your Joys Down

Have you seen the posts where people are putting positive messages in their windows and chalk messages on their driveways and sidewalks?

That is exactly what we need to be doing. When you write something down, you see it, and others see it too.

That is your homework today.
Write at least 1 joy down for today. Then do it tomorrow and the next day too. and the following day as well. keep finding one joy every day.... BUT WRITE THEM DOWN. And if you put them on social media, use this hashtag  #Findyourjoy

Here is mine for the day

I am sitting at my computer, talking to Paige(who is working) while I'm working. It's great that I can see her face!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Step #6- Extend Grace to Yourself and Others

This is so important right now.
Like I've said in other posts, it's ok to not be feeling ok. You need to extend Grace to yourself.
I have a hard time with this one.
I'm a self proclaimed control freak. I like order, I like to know what's going to happen, I like a plan.
The circumstances we are all under right now does not allow me to do this with much ease. I need to remember there are only so many things within my control right now and always. I need to look for things I can control and give myself some grace.
Here is what I CAN control:
1. My daily schedule
2. getting showered and dressed for the day
3. What I am eating
4. Moving my body
5. Doing work for school
6. Doing work for my Posh business
7. Doing other things that keep my mind sharp
8. reading books I haven't had time to read
9. Controlling how and when I get my information on current events
10. Writing this blog

I most importantly can PRAY!

As I look at this list, I already feel more in control.  If you are feeling out of control, then make a list. Post it where you can see it and refer to it.

If we are able to extend ourselves grace, then it's easier to extend it to others.
Many of us are feeling the same way right now.
Here are some ways I know to extend grace, and a few I saw from friends of mine:
1. send a cute emoji to a friend
2. Create a sign and hang it in your window. (Make it BIG so people can see it!)
3. Go through your FB friends list and pray for each one by name(Thanks Charity)
4. Make a huge pot of soup or goulash etc. and leave some on your neighbor's porch.
5. Play an online game with someone.
6. Have a "virtual" dinner. Call a friend, make dinner, set the table, dress up, and FaceTime or Skype.
7. Have a book club over the phone or virtually
8. Have a virtual Dance party
9. Say "Good Morning" to the people you normally would say that too EVRY MORNING!(Thanks Lisa!)
10. Start a project to help those on the front lines.

There are many ideas to help others during this time. It extends grace to them and makes you feel good in the process

Win Win


Monday, March 23, 2020

Step#5 Speak in Love when others need Encouragement

These are trying times. When things like that happen, people tend to get really short with their responses and words. It's because we are tired, we are scared, and we are fearful. It's ok to feel all of those feelings. But...... we also need to be mindful that this is a time too slow down, and be mindful of our words. There are a lot of people out there needing encouragement right now. So I beg of you, slow down and speak with loving words. I can't tell people when this will end, I can only tell them it will. 
Need some help with finding words of encouragement?

Try these:
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Tough times never last, but tough people do.”
– Robert H. Schuller

“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.”
– Marie Curie

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”
— Albert Einstein

Above all, reach out to people in this time. A simple "Hi, I was thinking about you"goes a long way for them and you.

As always.... Take care and #Findyourjoy

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Step #4- Be an Encourager to Others

Many of us have nothing else to do but sit and think and think and think. It drives me crazy to do that. What's the better option?
Be an Encourager
You know people who need it right now. those friends that are scared. Reach out to them. encourage them, just listen if you can.
Also, Please encourage those that are still out there working:
our medical personnel
our first responders
our restaurant workers
our grocery workers
our trucking industry
our package and mail carriers

Thank them and encourage them

  • Make a sign that says Thank You and post it on your mailbox
  • If you do have to go to the store, practice social distancing and be kind. Say Thank You
  • Support your local restaurants if you are able . Medical personnel have said to move the take out from the container, place it on a plate, throw the container out, microwave  the meal for 30 seconds, and make sure you  wash your hands
  • Check in on people through the phone, FaceTime or other social media
  • Pray for them

Now more than ever we need to encourage one another, and we can do this and keep our physical distance at the same time.

We've got this
Love to you and #Findyourjoy

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Step #3- Find Your Community

This is soooo important right now. We need our community of people. I am so thankful that technology is what it is because I can social distance and keep with my community.
In fact, within the last 24 hours I have:
1. met with my whole department in a zoom meeting
2. Facetimed with Paige and Jared
3. Watched my brother-in-law get married in his living room because...well what else was he going to do?
4. messaged many people who had questions about the blessing bags
5. Texted quite a bit of my family

But I also got outside today too.
Our neighbors love to walk our dog. They texted me, I got him ready and we took him out to the road to meet them. At the same time our other neighbors with their 3 littles came by (it's a dead end street, so there's a lot of room to keep our distance).  The girls made me smile, they were riding bikes with tutus and fairy wings on!!!

Keep your distance, but keep in contact with your community. They are as important as ever.

Lots of love and #Findyourjoy

Friday, March 20, 2020

Step # 2- Tell your story

You need to tell your story..... OUT LOUD!

Especially in these weird times we are facing, it is more important than ever to get our story out.  Write it down, tell it to someone. Say all of it. The good and the bad. Hopefully you will have more good in there if you really dug deep yesterday and found joy.

It was rainy here today, but someone said to me...."This is how God is washing everything away and making it new" It was super comforting.

You don't have to look too far to find someone telling their story. The majority of my friends are trying very hard to be positive and find their joy, but some people on my social media feeds are really struggling and only posting the negative. I actually considered blocking them temporarily for my own sanity, but then I thought.... NO. I am going to continue to spread light and love, and they need to see and hear it.

Here is my story today.
I have had moments where I feel uneasy and anxious even, but I am focusing on the things I can control. Helping the health care workers by putting blessing bags together with thank you notes, hand cream samples, and mints. I am working on stuff for school. I am working on helping out my alma mater by offering to zoom into their edu classes to present and/ or do a Q and A.  These things make me feel better. They give me JOY!

So tell your story, your whole story or even just today's story.
1. Journal it in a notebook or online
2. Call of FaceTime someone and ask them their story and then tell them yours

Stay safe and always remember to #Findyourjoy

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Step #1- Only YOU can find your joy

Only YOU can find your joy. No one else can do it for you.
This joy has to come from deep within.
In this time of uncertainty, this can be the hardest step. When I finally had to "put on my big kid pants" and do this, it was hard.
It's been a hard thing every time I've had to do it.
It isn't a one and done thing, it is a constant, consistent thing.
You have to remind yourself everyday, every hour, even every minute.

I know what you are thinking right now.." Kim, how can I find ANYTHING to be joyful about?"

I can't answer that for you because YOU have to find it. I can give you places to look though.

For instance, this morning, I woke up and instead of turning on the news, I heard the birds singing. I HEARD THE BIRDS SINGING!!! Then Jaeger(my dog) saw those birds and began barking!!! I laughed out loud. The birds are still chirping, and my dog is still a crazy, cooky dog.
Having that normalcy started my day out well. I did turn on the news, but only for 15 minutes until I saw the weather. Then I turned it off and told Alexa to play music. I showered, got dressed(capris and flip-flops because Spring is coming!! I had breakfast and made my list of things to accomplish today (school and home). See, I love lists. I love order. I love having a plan and executing it. My lists don't look the same, but they are lists. That's how I've found my joy in the first hour I'm up.
I will not turn on the news or really look at social media too much. I'm doing what I'm suppose to do. I am practicing social distancing, I am washing my hands. Those things I can control. I cannot control what anyone else does, so I don't watch the news too much.
My plan today includes a walk this afternoon, probably a nap with the windows open to hear the birds and the neighbor kids playing. I love that we have kids in the neighborhood again. Hearing them swing on their swings, laughing, play basketball, and ride their bikes makes me happy. It gives me joy.

Look to the simple things around you to find your joy. It can be as simple as stopping for 10 seconds and listen to the birds sing. It may be having the time to have your coffee outside while you listen to the birds. It may be hard, but finding joy is worth fighting for. FINDING JOY IS WORTH FIGHTING FOR! I have fought for 4 1/2 years everyday to find my joy. It's a habit now.

I can't find your joy for you, but I know you can find it. Just open your window today, and listen, listen for those birds singing. I would love to hear what your discovered today. I would love to know where you found your joy today.

Love and light to all of you and

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Let's review

In the craziness of our "new normal", we need to be able to call upon the things that we know. It was only 5 months ago that I stood before many ladies and talked about finding joy in the midst of chaos.
So..... I believe it is time for a review. We need this now more than ever.
I will outlining the 7 steps in the next 7 days along with practical applications.
Please share the heck out of this.

I want to see #Findyourjoy trending.
Those of you who have heard me speak, have read my blog, and know my journey, know that I have had my share of adversity.
This scenario we have today, has shaken me a little, but I am ready to take what I have learned and apply it. I want to help you and others apply it as well.
Now more than ever we need our communities. Let's build a big one!

Please share this, get your circle ready to review the 7 steps in the next 7 days along with practical ways to implement those steps. Step #1 is tomorrow- Only YOU can find your joy.

God Bless and #Findyourjoy

Sunday, March 15, 2020

What to do with the unknown and the fear

I have lived with the unknown medically and financially for 4 1/2 years.
It is scary.
It is a real feeling.
How have I coped?
How can that transfer to this situation?

First, even though we feel out of control, we have to stay calm and be smart.
It is natural to feel out of control. It is natural to want to be in control.
Here are the facts: We can't be in control of everything.
When people feel like this they do one of a few things:
1. turn to their faith
2. turn to meditation and yoga
3. turn to exercise
4. turn to focusing on what they do have control of
5. Turn to their community

These are the things I suggest. Obviously don't gather with your community in large groups, but we are fortunate to live in a time where we can connect without being in the same physical space. I have met quite a few of you only once in person, but you are a part of my community.

The things we should not do:
1. turn to destructive habits like over-drinking
2. Panic- it's ok to be concerned, but instead of panicking, turn that energy into something positive
3. Engage in pointless arguments on social platforms- this is a time to come together not to cut each other down.

Be informed, be calm, help your neighbors, support your community, and above all show kindness and compassion.

Mark and I both fit the CDC guidelines with conditions that could cause us to be immunosuppressed. We are continuing to live our life, although a little differently(mostly because the things we would have been doing that puts us with larger groups of people have been canceled).

Above all, this is going to be a lesson for all of us, I don't know what it will be, but I hope it is something positive.  Also, please continue on a daily basis to #Findyourjoy

Saturday, March 7, 2020


Spring is a time of renewal. it is a time when all of the things that have been dormant for the winter start to return to life. I want that too.
We need to change with the seasons just as everything around us does.
I have decided that I am going to enter into Spring purposefully. I want that sense of renewal, and I can make it happen. Not just on my own (that's why I have my community) but I am going to do it.


First, I had a conversation with my beautiful yoga instructor Danielle telling her what I wanted to accomplish in the month of March to move toward Spring and that I wanted to be included in the renewal that happens in nature.
She is putting together yoga practices for me with poses that will support this.

Second, I have been clearing physical space in my home. We are so "closed up" all winter, so I am trying to make the space in my home as light and airy as the fresh air that comes with Spring. For instance, tomorrow when the temps are 50, you better believe the windows will be open in my house.

Third, I change the oils I use on myself and in my diffusers to coincide with Spring smells. I change my hand cream to scents that do this as well.

Fourth, I know that the next 2 and a half months are super busy for me, so I am planning purposefully. My calendar is at hand, I choose what I am going to do with purpose. I am doing the things I want to do. I am also saying no and taking time for myself.

Lastly is the thing I have to really work on. It is the thing I am struggling with the most. For the most part I have surrounded myself with people who have my best interest in mind. However, to only be around people like that is impossible. You know what I'm talking about. Sometimes the people who are toxic to us are in close proximity.  It could be family members, people you work with, or people you sit on committees with. You have to be able to work with them, so how do you protect yourself from the toxicity?
That is what is standing in my way to a complete renewal for the Spring.
I'm going one step at a time and will be praying and meditating on this last thing.
I welcome suggestions and encouragement.
I will provide the same for you.
