Saturday, March 7, 2020


Spring is a time of renewal. it is a time when all of the things that have been dormant for the winter start to return to life. I want that too.
We need to change with the seasons just as everything around us does.
I have decided that I am going to enter into Spring purposefully. I want that sense of renewal, and I can make it happen. Not just on my own (that's why I have my community) but I am going to do it.


First, I had a conversation with my beautiful yoga instructor Danielle telling her what I wanted to accomplish in the month of March to move toward Spring and that I wanted to be included in the renewal that happens in nature.
She is putting together yoga practices for me with poses that will support this.

Second, I have been clearing physical space in my home. We are so "closed up" all winter, so I am trying to make the space in my home as light and airy as the fresh air that comes with Spring. For instance, tomorrow when the temps are 50, you better believe the windows will be open in my house.

Third, I change the oils I use on myself and in my diffusers to coincide with Spring smells. I change my hand cream to scents that do this as well.

Fourth, I know that the next 2 and a half months are super busy for me, so I am planning purposefully. My calendar is at hand, I choose what I am going to do with purpose. I am doing the things I want to do. I am also saying no and taking time for myself.

Lastly is the thing I have to really work on. It is the thing I am struggling with the most. For the most part I have surrounded myself with people who have my best interest in mind. However, to only be around people like that is impossible. You know what I'm talking about. Sometimes the people who are toxic to us are in close proximity.  It could be family members, people you work with, or people you sit on committees with. You have to be able to work with them, so how do you protect yourself from the toxicity?
That is what is standing in my way to a complete renewal for the Spring.
I'm going one step at a time and will be praying and meditating on this last thing.
I welcome suggestions and encouragement.
I will provide the same for you.


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