Friday, March 27, 2020

Keeping positive

I am fully admitting that it is getting increasingly hard to stay positive, but here is what I am doing:

1. I am NOT watching the news. If I want information, I get it from reliable sources. I know what I need to be doing. I need to be STAYING HOME. I even told Mark not to talk to me about the news. When I want to know, I'll go to my reliable sources myself.

2. I am going to be blocking a few people on my social media temporarily. There are people  out there who never think positively, and only post negative things or post things from unreliable sources. I see those and panic, so I'm shutting them off temporarily.

3. I am keeping the things I can control in my control. I can go outside and breathe fresh air, I can control what to watch on TV, I can control cleaning my house, I can control where I go to get groceries or I can have them delivered.

Keep at the positive Joy announcements. Keep writing them down!


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