Friday, June 26, 2020

All the Feelings

It was weird. Today, as I was driving home from the grocery store. Nate and I had been  talking about how everyone we saw in Tops had a mask on. I was fine.... until I drove through town and saw a few people walking to stores with their masks on. This crazy rush came over me like I wanted to flat out cry. I was overwhelmingly sad for our new normal. 

We can't always be grounded and feel joy. There will be times that we have these feelings that creep up on us at crazy moments that just leave us in sadness or fear. 

It's what we do with those moments that is the key.

What do I do in those moments? Well, I have a couple of "tools" in my toolbox to combat those feelings so I don't stay in them too long. You've heard me use this saying before, "the only way out is through". I can't pretend the feelings are not there. I have to acknowledge them and move on. Here  are some of the tools I use in no particular order:

1. I blog. Getting my feelings down helps to release them. 

2. I listen to or play music. It helps me acknowledge the feelings I am having. I have been known to pick a song to play and sing, start the song, and just cry. I feel better afterward.

3. Cry or scream. Sometimes we just have to let it out. 

4. Restorative Yoga. I am in poses for an extended period of time. Then I just breathe. By concentrating on my breathing, it slows my heart rate, it regulates my breathing to an even, slow pace which helps me calm down.

5. Pray. Instead of writing my fears and worries down, I say them out loud. Hearing myself say them and give the to God, makes me feel like the burden of carrying those worries is given to someone who can handle them.

6. I talk to Mark. A lot of times he will repeat what I said to him, and when I hear what I said, I can process it better. 

Sometimes I do one of these, sometimes more than one. It depends on the situation. 

Today, I decided to write it down. I was completely surprised by the emotion that came over me, and writing this blog made me acknowledge the feeling, and realize the tools I have to regulate myself. 

Now it is time to find joy in this day. The sunshine and blue sky is a nice start!


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