Thursday, August 1, 2019

August 1

Wow, it's August 1st! I'm not going to say the typical "oh, it's August 1st and summer is half way over, it went so fast!" I feel like summer is not going fast, nor is it going slow. I'm half-way through the summer of Kim. It's going well. I've had a neuropathy flare-up this week, so the movement part is not going so well, but I'm not beating myself up about it either. Today, I feel better and I will move. I've been planning and cooking more this last week, and our meals have been healthier so I'm making progress there too. Now to implement the last part....... simplifying.
I have simplified my life. I am not doing something unless it brings me joy. Now to simplify my home.
Summer school ends next week, and I have 3 weeks before the regular school year starts so I am on a mission to clear out some stuff in the house. Stuff brings chaos and chaos is not good for the summer of Kim so simple is what will happen.  That way I'll know what I have, be able to find it, and be able to keep my house clean with a schedule.

Working slowly, consistently, and with the intent to make my life better.


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