Saturday, August 24, 2019

Morning Thoughts and Flea Market Flip

I had a terrible night sleeping last night. So, I got up early, put my yoga mat outside on the deck, and sat. I stretched, I let the sun shine on my face, and I listened to the birds. It was a great way to start my morning. Now I'm having a yummy cup of coffee and watching Flea Market Flip, and it got me thinking....
They take old pieces of "whatever" and turn it into beautiful furniture. If old antiques can be made new....then so can I.

It takes vision, patience, and then hard work to transform these pieces into the beauties that sell for sometimes hundreds above what they spent on them.
Vision, patience, and hard work.

Kind of where I am at this morning.

I have a vision...... I know who I want to be and where I want to be

Patience........ this is where I struggle(it takes time to execute the vision)

Hard Work........this can also be hard, as some days I'm just plain tired physically and mentally

So I move forward, a little each day and keep executing the plan

In the meantime, I am that beautiful piece at the end, she's inside of me waiting to be fully realized for everyone to see!


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