Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Finding Your Joy through the Holidays- keep writing them down

This time of year can be chaotic even when you try to slow it down. So, in that case I'm going to tell you again......


Find just one joy every single day, and write it down.
There are so many days I wake up, and think" Can I really get out of bed without pain? and That would make my day a good one". Then I get up, and I'm in pain. 
I could just moan and groan about it, but that wouldn't do any good. It's not going to change the fact that I have students who are counting on me, and colleagues that are counting on me as well. 
I can't control whether I wake up with a little or a lot of pain, but I can control my attitude. 
So, I write a joy down. 
I could write:
"I woke up today"
"I can fill my lungs with air"
" I can walk, many people cannot"
"I have my husband right next to me"
"I have children who love me"
" I have my friends who care about me"
" I have my community"

I could go on and on.

Writing them down makes them tangible and real.

So if the Holidays are getting you a little crazed....write down your joys. Make the commitment throughout the Holidays to do this.


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