Sunday, November 17, 2019

Finding Your Joy through the Holidays- expectations

I have been dealing with the expectations that I have for the Holidays.
For instance, how I move through the holidays really depends on how Mark is doing.
Today, he is having a bad day. He had a bad night of restless legs, and he is tired, and that affects him greatly. It increases his moments of "spells", and just makes it so we have to hunker down and stay home.
That's ok, but what it means is that we have to be flexible and plan accordingly.

Don't set your expectations for the Holidays so that if things don't happen that way you are disappointed. In fact, under plan instead of over plan. Pick the things that mean the most to you and do those.
Here's a list of possibilities of things to do that don't require advanced planning or firm commitment on your part:

Drive around looking at Christmas lights

Pop some popcorn and watch a favorite Christmas movie

Put on some Christmas music and sing and/or dance

Write a Christmas letter to someone you haven't seen in awhile

Read a Christmas Story

Cozy up in pajamas with hot chocolate and just look at your Christmas Tree

Maybe you will have to say no, or maybe to a few things, but that's ok. Your friends and family will understand.

Most of all, find the things that give you joy and keep your activities to those things.


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