Sunday, October 3, 2021

6 Years and Joys Ending the Week of October 3

 It was 6 years ago today that I went for my annual mammogram. I was 44 years old. I had only had 3 other mammograms ever, so I wasn't thinking that this one would be different. It was. That day, they found something, they did an ultrasound, and a biopsy. It took less than a week for me to now be a women with breast cancer. That day started a journey of doctor's visits, genetic testing, surgery, chemo, radiation, more surgery, and now the all clear! It has taught me a lot. Much of what I learned help sustain me through the craziness of the last year and a half. When I think of how hard this is today, I remember back to when I was in chemo and how hard that was. I do have lasting effects from chemo. I have permanent peripheral neuropathy. The rain today is making that flare up, but I'm here. I'm not in chemo or radiation. I am cancer free. 

Joys for the week ending October 3, 2021

1. Fall is here. It's cool and crisp in the mornings, and just the perfect temperature by afternoon

2. I have had some pain this week, but have been able to manage it.

3. It's Breast Cancer Awareness month and I am dedicating all of my commission from my Posh business to the Breast Cancer society of WNY

4. Friday night was perfect for a bonfire and a soak in the hot tub

5. Mark and I had a day date yesterday.

Here's to a good week keep striving to #findyourjoy

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