Sunday, October 24, 2021

How Do You Take Care of Yourself? and Joys ending the week of 10/24

 How do YOU take care of yourself? This is hard for women and especially moms. We are the care givers. This often puts us in positions where we don't take care of ourselves. Or we are last on the list of being cared for. 

As most of you know who read this blog every week, I was sick last week. I thought I was being careful and taking care of myself, but it happened. It was frustrating. 

I had also mentioned how I have started to look at how well I am taking care of myself. I am looking at how I'm doing physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. 

You CANNOT take all of it on at once. It's a gradual process. 

I like order. I like to have a plan. I always have. So, I decided that I need to have a morning plan and an evening plan.

About three weeks ago, I started with the morning plan. I looked at some posts of people who have a good morning plan in place. I decided a couple of things:

1. I cannot make a huge plan and expect that I will follow it.

2. It's okay if the plan doesn't happen!

I incorporated two new things into my morning plan. I figured I could do two things, and when I felt comfortable, I may add more. I added.... ready? Tongue scraping. I read a lot about it, and many people believe in it. I also dry brush in the morning. It helps my skin and helps me wake up and feel invigorated before I jump in the shower. If you want to know more about these two things, message me or go to Pinterest or any other site about it. 

Now I'm beginning to develop an evening plan. My evenings change day to day, and I need a plan to wind down so I can have a good chance at a restful night's sleep.  It's a work in progress, and it's helping me feel in control. I let you know how it is progressing!

Now to the Joys this week:

1. I was able to get a lot of rest this week.

2. My cold is almost gone!

3. I got a new vacuum. (I know that may be a weird one, but my house feels cleaner!)

4. After Mark and I bought the vacuum, we took a two hour drive to just look at the Fall leaves.

5. I was back at church this week playing, and it felt good!

I hope you have a great week and can #findyourjoy

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