I have been seeing a lot of posts this week referencing the struggle going on in the Ukraine and people in the US complaining about rising gas prices. Most of these posts go something like this:
"Why are you complaining about the gas prices. You are not sitting in your basement listening for gun fire or missile attacks wondering if you will live to see tomorrow."
Puts some things in perspective doesn't it?
I'm assuming the majority of the people who read this blog have never had to hide in their basement because our country has been invaded.
Is our country perfect? Heck no! No country is.
Do I like the rising gas prices and rising grocery costs? Also No
I adjust my budget, there are still things I can get rid of if I need to.
I've done it before.
When Mark had his stroke and we suddenly only had one income.
We went to one vehicle. We slashed our grocery budget by eating more economical foods. We didn't order out or go out. We reduced our cable channels.
I can do that again if I need to, but......
I have food. I have a home. I have safety.
See....... think about what you have. Not what you don't have.
Pray for this world, this country, the people of Ukraine, and give thanks for what you have.
I will ALWAYS try to find the joy. It makes me a better person.
What if.......
I have had "What ifs...." come before, handled them, and found joy.
No more "What ifs" and More Find your joys!
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