Thursday, October 10, 2019

Find Your Community

#3 in the process is Find Your Community!

Today was a perfect day for this because I needed my community today. I was a little out of sorts and a little stuck for a joy because I had a bit on my plate.
Mark had a doctors appointment that was suppose to be yesterday. I took a day off of work to go with him. Just as we were headed out the door, they called and had to cancel. They re-scheduled for next week, then called two hours later and scheduled for today. I wasn't going to go as there were some meetings I needed to be at, but as the day went on, Mark became more anxious about me not going. So.... I ended up taking a half day and going with him.
It all worked out because:
1. he was suppose to see a nurse practitioner, but ended up seeing the head doctor of the neurology department.
2. My important meeting was canceled this morning so I didn't miss it anyway

Today, I needed my community, so......
I reached out to my community to let them know how I was feeling, and I received many quick messages back that made me feel a whole lot better, and that I had my community behind me.

Find your community. Those people who have your back. Those people who you can reach out to for that encouragement when you need it. Those people who can remind you where your joy might be. Remember only YOU can find it, but sometimes we all need a little help with the directions!
Your work, your church, your civic group, this group of people who read the blog, they can all become part of your community.

Here is my Joy challenge card! I still have to write it down too!


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