Monday, October 14, 2019

How to be an encourager

Step #4 - Be an encourager to others

Doing this and doing it well is hard. You have to be able to set your own issues aside for the moment and invest in someone else. Sometimes this is easier than other times.

If you are having a particularly hard time finding joy yourself, it may be a good idea to not fully engage in helping someone else find their joy.
With that being said, helping someone find their joy when you are having difficulty can help you as well. Just don't let it become a situation where you are deflecting your joy.

How do we encourage others?
Well, first you need to develop relationships. Really knowing a person, and truly being interested in their journey is first. I have met many people over my journey. I don't know each one personally, but, I am invested in people finding their joy. I listen when they want to share, and I encourage them to find joy.
Those that I know more personally, I can really direct them toward situations I know they have in their life that bring them joy. Real deep level joy.

Second, you have to be in a place with that person where you can speak through love to them. If you can't, then don't. You run the risk of alienating them, and pushing them farther away from joy.

About 4 months ago, I was having a bad day. Mark was not having a good week, I was tired of his whole situation, it's affect on our marriage, and our finances. My dear friend of 20 years let me vent, and then put her hand on top of mine and said "I know you're frustrated, but I just want to remind you that it could have been very different that day Mark had his stroke".  I snapped right out of my pity party. My friend didn't find my joy, but reminded me that through my frustration, there was a joy present and I needed to concentrate on that instead. She knows me, she has walked through this journey along side of me. She was able to speak to me in a loving matter.

Lastly, walk your life in joy. Be real about it. If you are not joyful that day, be honest, but try to find joy.
Actions speak louder than words sometimes. I can't tell you how many times people say to me that they cannot believe I could be joyful with everything that has happened to me in the last 4 years. Let me tell you, my story does not compare to a lot of others' stories, but it is mine, and I know I can find joy. Simply living and walking that knowledge is bigger than any words I could ever speak.

So, Be an encourager, be you, be your story, and as always #Findyourjoy!

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