Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Tell Your Story

Step #2 is to tell your story.

I chose to tell my story out loud and in writing. Either way is fine, but you need to get it out from inside of you.

For a long time, I told my story in a journal I only saw. Then I decided to tell my story in a blog in the hopes that someone might need to hear it so they knew they were not alone. Then it led to being able to share my story with single people in different situations, and to 175 women last weekend!

First, telling your story is very therapeutic. You do not feel so alone and you would be surprised at how many people are dealing with the same or similar things. This will help build your community.

Second, getting your story out there in print or verbally makes it more tangible.  What I mean by that is, yes, you are feeling every pain associated with the story, but now, having it in print or telling one or many people makes it real and tangible which makes it easier to start to deal with.

Many of us suppress feelings. Feelings that have to do with our story. When we suppress those, we try to not deal with them. When they are out there, we are almost forced to deal with them, and that is a good thing.
I have said many times that the only way out is through.
In order to go through the situation and move forward, we need to see and hear the story, not just feel it.

Third, once we have our story out there, and we begin to see, hear, and feel it, then we can begin to see, hear, and eventually feel Joy again.

Start with writing your story and feelings down. Then move to writing one joy down. It can be anything.... something you see(a robin, a beautiful sun, a tree), something you hear(a bird chirping, your dog snoring, the neighborhood kids playing and laughing), then move to feeling joy.

It takes time. Joy can be stripped away from us in an instant, but getting it back is possible.

Tell your story, and keep looking for Joy in the things around you.


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