Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Speak in Love

I talked a bit about this in the previous post, but, it's worth a post of its own.
When you are an encourager, make sure you are speaking in love.

What does it mean to speak in love?
well, it means that you are choosing your words mindfully and carefully so as to make the person you are speaking to know you are saying what you are saying because you truly care about them.

How do you do this?
Ultimately it is important that you already have a well established relationship with that person. They need to know that you really know them, are invested in them, and can speak truth to them.

When do I do this?
Whenever you see your friend struggling, or if they are speaking to you about not being able to find their joy. Sometimes, I flat out ask my "people" to help me.

When should I not say something?
Use your own judgement, because if you really have a good relationship with that person, you'll know how it will be received and if you are able to speak in love.

Think before you speak and develop real relationships with people so you can be that person for someone else and you'll have people to speak to you in love.


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