Friday, December 31, 2021

Do You Have a Yearly Word?

 About a week ago, I had a very dear friend text me and ask if I had a word for 2022 yet. I automatically said"I'm keeping Joy as my word", but then something happened.

Today, I spent some time journaling, looking back at 2021, and setting intentions for 2022. Out of that, came a different word. The word is CLARITY. So, clarity is my "word" for 2022. 

Ultimately I decided that accomplishing the goals around that word will bring me Joy so I am keeping the #findyourjoy.

Finding Joy is deep within us. If we are cluttered then it has less room to sit inside us. I need to "clear out" some space so Joy has room to dwell. As I was journaling it became evident that when my physical, emotional, and spiritual space is cluttered, I feel off-balance and have more trouble finding joy. So, this year I am working on de-cluttering those areas of my life. 

My home- When it is cluttered, I feel cluttered. I am going to work on de-cluttering the space I live in.

My mind- I need to compartmentalize my mind and not think of everything all of the time. I am going to work on what I put in my mind at different parts of the day. Work at work, home at home etc.

My body- movement. I do ok with this but could be more consistent. I have a lot available to me to move my body. I need to make it a consistent priority.

My soul- Sometimes I feel like I need to hug my soul, and that is what I am going to do. I am going to pursue what fills my soul with goodness. 

I am in pursuit of Clarity. 

What is your word for the year?  


Monday, December 27, 2021

Joy Jar

 January 1st 202, I decided to start a Joy Jar. Each week I would put a slip of paper with the date and one joy into the jar. I did this when we would fill Mark's pill case because that has to be done on a weekly basis. What I didn't anticipate was how incredible it became when I opened those slips on New Years Eve that year. We had been through his disability hearing, the shutdown, his thyroid cancer diagnosis, getting back to school, the ongoing pandemic, and so much more. It was incredible to look back at all the joys. Even through the uncertainty of that year, I had found joy EVERY WEEK! 

For 2021 I decided I would post here every week. I'm glad i did it, but there was something about holding that slip of paper in my hand, and being able to put them all in an envelope marked with 2020 and tucking them away that I miss. So, 2022, I'm back to the Joy Jar. 

I will still post on here as finding my joy is a continuous journey that will never end and I will update you on the joy jar.

I encourage you to start your own joy jar, you won't regret it.

Here are my final joys for 2021!

1. A busy but blessed Christmas

2. Playing and singing on Christmas Eve

3. Preparing for playing and singing on New Years Eve at church

4. Quiet time spent with my hubby and kids

5. Looking back at a challenging year that had many joys as well!


Sunday, December 19, 2021

Step#7- Write it Down

 It’s that simple. Write your joys down. Put them where you can see them. Then look at them. Look at them when you need them. In 2020 I did a joy jar. This year, I put them on my blog. In 2022 I think I might go the joy jar again!

Anyway, here are my joys for the week ending December 19

1. A successful choral concert

2. A wonderful massage- I need to take care of myself 

3. Yoga- I need to move every day

4. I saw Hamilton on stage 

5. Practiced the music I’m involved in on Christmas Eve- I cannot wait! 

Have a great week. Make sure you take time for yourself and as always I hope you can #findyourjoy

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Step #6- Extend Grace to Yourself and Others

 It took me a couple of extra days to write this one because I am hard core struggling with this step right now. I'm not perfect at this and it's okay to admit when you are struggling.

Extending grace to yourself is really hard. It requires you to like yourself and decisions you have made. 

teaching this year has been the hardest ever. It is a combination of the restrictions, how I want to be able to have my classroom, my schedule, the students are different and I am failing miserably at engaging them because I AM EXHAUSTED! 

I feel like I am the worst teacher I have ever been and when I feel like that it is hard to extend grace to myself. I need to though. If I don't it's even harder to extend grace to others and the whole thing becomes a vicious cycle.

So, how do I break the cycle? Well, here is what I am trying:

-setting time aside for myself to do something I enjoy like:

    Having tea ( I'll write a separate post about that in a few weeks)

    Playing piano and singing


    Prayer and Meditation

- I also am sleeping as much as I need to. I am struggling to get up and get moving so I take a nap.

- Making and eating wholesome meals. It can be done quickly too. (I'll do a blog post about that one too)


It's a process so I keep working at it. While I do, here are my joys for the week ending 12/14

1. My poor colleague was ill this week. It was hard having her gone, a few days, but I want her healthy for Christmas and I survived.

2. My Christmas shopping is 95% done. Everything else can be done in town

3. I super excited about the Christmas Eve service. I'm playing a duet with our organist and it is so much fun

4. Our tree is up

5. I was able to adjudicate vocal students in Niagara County. It was amazing to listen to them, and help them along their singing journey.

Let's work on extending that grace....especially at this time of year and as always I hope you can #findyourjoy

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Step#5- Speak in Love when Others Need Encouragement

 As you are striving to be an encourager to others(step#4), make sure you are not judging their decisions. Make sure you are in a good spot to encourage someone who might not do things or believe the same way you do. 

In all encouragement.... Do it in Love. Love for them. not what they did or what they believe. Do it, because you love people. 

This can be difficult sometimes... okay, a lot of the time lately, but it is so important. 

You can speak truth and encouragement and speak in love at the same time. You have to just make sure you are doing it. 

So, Speak in Love this week. You will be filled with so much love in return, it'll keep spilling out to others!

My joys for the week ending December 5th

1. It was a nice peaceful end to November.

2. I celebrated my 51st birthday on Wednesday.

3. I received so many 'Happy Birthdays" from students, it made me smile.

4. I received many warm wishes on Facebook too. It was quite emotional

5. I am loved. Since I am loved, I can spread love too.

Hope you have a great week and #findyourjoy

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Step #4 Be an Encourager

 In the 7 steps to finding your joy, sometimes this can be the easiest or the hardest. 

Being an encourager makes you not think about your situation for a minute so you can encourage others. Sometimes we want to not look at our own situation so we deflect it by throwing encouragement elsewhere. Thats okay, but you have to be careful that you are not avoiding something. You can't be an effective long-term encourager if you aren't filled with encouragement. 

You have to make sure you are encouraging others because you are so filled with encouragement it is literally spilling over. Read that again.....not so easy during this time is it.  I have been struggling with it myself. In order for me to do this, it requires that I take care of myself first. It has always been that way. The more I am taken care of, the better I can take care of those around me. So, how do I do that?

I post a pampering Sunday video on one of my pages. It makes me think about how I am taking care of me. This week, it's drinking a hot beverage. In my case, tea. I choose my tea carefully, I have a special cup I drink it from, I savor the smell as the tea steeps, I wrap my hand around the warm cup, and I give thanks for the quiet time I have to recharge. Even 5 minutes will do a soul some good. 

So, I encourage you to fill up, in whatever way you can by taking a few minutes or even an hour to re-charge yourself so you can be an encourager to others. 

Here are my Joys for the week ending 11/28

1. A short week at school. We all needed the break.

2. Having some wonderful conversation with my colleagues at work Tuesday.

3. Preparing Thanksgiving dinner.(Really Mark did A lot of it, I'm so lucky)

4. A quiet Thanksgiving day

5. Having tea before I get ready for this week at school


Monday, November 22, 2021

Step #3- Find Your Community

 Step #3 in finding your joy is to find your community. When we have trouble finding joy, we need a trusted group of like-minded people who can help us and lift us up when we need it. Then we can continue on our journey to finding joy.

Sadly, since I went through these steps the last time, I feel like my community has decreased slightly, and that is ok. It's really nothing I've done, or anyone else has, it's just how life works. People come in and out of your life at different moments. It's up to you to recognize that and be okay with it(I'm still working on that one). 

I do have constants that have been there all along, and that is good too. 

However you find them....just do it. Find your community of people who will be there when you need help and lifting up.

Here are my Joys for the week ending 11/21:

1. Nate subbed all week in the middle school, it was nice to ride to work with him

2. I have some dear friends who are retiring VERY soon. It spurs me on to keep my financial goals intact so I can retire someday

3. Saw Escape to Margeritaville this weekend. Not a great plot but it didn't matter because the music was FUN!

4. House and animal sat for Paige and Jared. It was a nice little get away.

5. Super deep cleaned the bathroom. It is so nice to have a clean bathroom!

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Step #2- Tell Your Story

 Step #2 of Finding your joy is to tell your story. Say it out loud! When you say it out loud, then YOU hear it. Sometimes we keep things in, and then we don't deal with them. We keep bad things in, but we can also keep good things in too. 

Now, this doesn't mean you have to shout it from the rooftops(unless you want to), but even writing it down so you can re-read it, or to tell a trusted friend is a good place to start.

As you are telling your story, really pay attention to it. I bet you will find things that you have overcome, become stronger for having gone through, and you may find a lot of joys. 

If you do choose to write it down, don't go back and analyze it, just let it be. It is your story. All of it. The good, the bad, the sadness, the joy. It's YOUR story. So it is important. It is valuable. 

In fact, you might even have an opportunity to share it with someone who needs to hear it. If you have written it down, or told it already, you will be ready for when that opportunity comes around. 

Let's recap:

 Step#1- Only YOU can find your joy

Step #2 Tell your story

Here are my joys ending the week of November 14th:

1. We are putting a small choir together for church to sing on special occasions (it's nice to sing with Mark and Nate)

2. It was a 4-day week at school

3. We had Thursday off to honor our Veterans(thank you for your service)

4. My balancing my budget goals are going pretty well (it's a marathon, not a sprint!)

5. It was a good weekend to stay in, have soup, and snuggle!


Sunday, November 7, 2021

Step #1

 For the next 7 weeks, I am going to highlight my 7 steps to finding your joy. I figure it's a good time to do this. I know I am already feeling anxious about the holidays. I'm busier than last year, and things are still different too. I need the reminder of finding my joy and thought maybe some of you do too.

Here we go!

Step #1- Only YOU can find your joy.

No one can find it for you. Honestly, it can be hard work. Really hard, but it is worth it. My hope for myself and you is that we can find deep down joys. The ones that really resonate with you deep in your soul. The ones that aren't fleeting. They are always there, but we can't always tap into them or recognize them. Other"stuff" prevents it sometimes. Busyness, sadness, being overwhelmed, or negativity can cloud our ability to get to those deep down joys. That is when you need to find the "surface" joys. They are just as important. 

You may be thinking, "Kim, I have no idea what the difference is between a "surface" joy and a deep down joy. " Let me give you an example:

Having my husband Mark in my life is a deep down joy. When I am upset with him because he didn't do something I asked him too, or I direct my anger toward him when he had nothing to do with my frustration, I can't find my joy that I have in him. He is a deep down joy though, because he lovingly corrects me and I find my joy again. It's always there, it's a constant. 

A "surface" joy is something quick and maybe temporary that reignites your joy spark. Things like sunshine, or birds singing. We need those joys. They have a purpose too. They are easier to find, and a good place to start. 

The key is YOU have to do the work. I can't say to you"hey, hear that bird, Doesn't that give you joy?" I mean I could, and would if you were really having trouble finding a specific joy, but it's better if YOU find it.

So, do some work this week at finding joys.... surface and deep down ones. You'll know if you are doing it when you start to notice people who aren't! 

I hope you can #findyourjoy this week!

here are my joys for the week ending 11/7:

1. A wonderful All Saints Sunday service

2. A fun Vendor show Saturday

3. Meeting with our financial advisor, I am so thankful for her.

4. Being able to have worked with and known Penny Rutledge. What a sweet and talented lady. 

5. Being able to share a classroom with Donna

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Holiday Season and Joys ending week of 10/31

 It's Holiday season. I have mixed emotions about it too. It's a busy season and I'm usually exhausted with all of the things that go on. Last year was different. It wasn't as busy..... and you know something?  I LOVED IT! I was able to really slow down and enjoy the Holidays.  Now that the holiday season is upon us again, I'm hoping for better balance. I want to be able to enjoy the time without feeling overwhelmed or so busy that I missed it. As I look at my calendar (which is already looking busy), I'm beginning to get overwhelmed. So, I have to VERY intentionally carve out some time for ME. It may require saying "no" to some stuff, and people might be upset, but I have to do what is best for me. And I will.

Here are my Joys:

1. I was asked to sing a duet with a dear friend in a couple of weeks.

2. My student teacher started her new placement and is doing well.

3. I am getting ready for a Vendor Show on Saturday. They are always super fun

4. I'm started with my Christmas shopping and plan to buy all local!

5. We celebrated Paige and Jared's Anniversary(28th), Paige's Birthday (30th) and Jared's Birthday(today). with dinner at Jared's parents. It was such a nice time!

Have a great week and as always i hope you can #findyourjoy

Sunday, October 24, 2021

How Do You Take Care of Yourself? and Joys ending the week of 10/24

 How do YOU take care of yourself? This is hard for women and especially moms. We are the care givers. This often puts us in positions where we don't take care of ourselves. Or we are last on the list of being cared for. 

As most of you know who read this blog every week, I was sick last week. I thought I was being careful and taking care of myself, but it happened. It was frustrating. 

I had also mentioned how I have started to look at how well I am taking care of myself. I am looking at how I'm doing physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. 

You CANNOT take all of it on at once. It's a gradual process. 

I like order. I like to have a plan. I always have. So, I decided that I need to have a morning plan and an evening plan.

About three weeks ago, I started with the morning plan. I looked at some posts of people who have a good morning plan in place. I decided a couple of things:

1. I cannot make a huge plan and expect that I will follow it.

2. It's okay if the plan doesn't happen!

I incorporated two new things into my morning plan. I figured I could do two things, and when I felt comfortable, I may add more. I added.... ready? Tongue scraping. I read a lot about it, and many people believe in it. I also dry brush in the morning. It helps my skin and helps me wake up and feel invigorated before I jump in the shower. If you want to know more about these two things, message me or go to Pinterest or any other site about it. 

Now I'm beginning to develop an evening plan. My evenings change day to day, and I need a plan to wind down so I can have a good chance at a restful night's sleep.  It's a work in progress, and it's helping me feel in control. I let you know how it is progressing!

Now to the Joys this week:

1. I was able to get a lot of rest this week.

2. My cold is almost gone!

3. I got a new vacuum. (I know that may be a weird one, but my house feels cleaner!)

4. After Mark and I bought the vacuum, we took a two hour drive to just look at the Fall leaves.

5. I was back at church this week playing, and it felt good!

I hope you have a great week and can #findyourjoy

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A lot late and joys ending October 17

 This post is extremely late. I have been fighting a cold since Tuesday the 12th.  I had a 6- month doctor visit scheduled for the 19th, so I just waited. I got to the appointment and because of my symptoms, they wouldn't do the physical and wanted me to have a covid test. It came back negative.  I guess this is the way it is now. Anyway, I went to the testing site, and the person there was wonderful. She commented on how teachers are to be commended for everything we have done through the pandemic and all I could say to her was how much I appreciate all the healthcare community was going through. 

So now I wait. I wait for my results. I still feel like I have a cold, but you never know. 

It has renewed my sense of taking care of myself. I tend to get my first cold of the school year right around now. I want to be able to prevent it. I know there are things I can do to help my physical and mental health. Now to put it into action. 

I'll keep you apprised of my journey.

Here are my joys:

1. I had coffee with a friend I hadn't seen in a long time.

2. We were able to pick up where we left off and those are the best friends to have!

3. My student teacher is doing very well. She is almost done with her placement with me, but moving on to elementary school with an awesome teacher.

4. I was able to meet my budgeting goals with planning and making suppers.

5. It was Nate's birthday. He is an incredible person and a wonderful son.

Even though I still feel lousy, I can find joy, I hope you can #findyourjoy too!

Sunday, October 10, 2021

When Life Feels Hard and Joys ending the week of 10/10

 Full disclosure. I have struggled this week. I had many moments where things felt completely overwhelming. I know many people who interacted with me this week might not think that I had a rough week, but I can be pretty good at hiding it. As a matter of fact, I have thought to myself more than once "Why are you giving people advice on finding joy when you struggle so much with finding it yourself sometimes?" 

But I guess that's the point. I do struggle, it's real. We all struggle with finding joy at certain times. That's when we need a loving community most in our lives. 

This pandemic has made people shy away(including me) from posting our struggles and even our joys for fear of retribution from people who have been.... well, just plain nasty and mean. How can you share your struggles and joys if you don't have a community that will cry when you cry, and then encourage you to find your joy. That's what I'm hoping to build.... A community where people can find their joy, and release their struggles with finding it when they can't. Then have a community of people come along side of them to help them find joy again. 

Here was my struggle this week. I got to a point of exhaustion where I was just mad. Mad because I wanted to know why everything seems SO HARD! . In comparison to others,  my life is not that hard. It just seemed hard. So, I took a drive. I took my mail(which had some catalogues in it), and went to a park. I sat at a picnic table and looked through my catalogues. It was quiet, it was beautiful out, and I just sat and enjoyed. I was there for about an hour and a half. It felt so good. 

I needed to get out of the house. If I stayed at my house to look through the catalogues, I would have just looked at all of the "things" I needed to do there. None of them were too important, but I was feeling so overwhelmed that they all seemed huge. 

It's okay to have to work at finding joy, and it's okay to let a few things go. I'm horrible at it, but I keep trying.  Just know that there is a community here. I really believe that the people that read this blog are genuine people of this community who wish to find joy and help others find joy too. 

Here are my joys for the week:

1. The weather was gorgeous this week.

2. When the rainy days came this week, I cooked soothing meals and took care of me!

3. I was able to be quiet in nature for 1 1/2 hours

4. I started a Posh party to raise money for Breast Cancer Research

5. We had a "pink" day Friday at school. I AM A SURVIVOR!

6. My dear friend Donna's daughter is getting married and we celebrated the couple at their wedding shower!

Keep walking forward everyday, and I hope you can #findyour joy

Sunday, October 3, 2021

6 Years and Joys Ending the Week of October 3

 It was 6 years ago today that I went for my annual mammogram. I was 44 years old. I had only had 3 other mammograms ever, so I wasn't thinking that this one would be different. It was. That day, they found something, they did an ultrasound, and a biopsy. It took less than a week for me to now be a women with breast cancer. That day started a journey of doctor's visits, genetic testing, surgery, chemo, radiation, more surgery, and now the all clear! It has taught me a lot. Much of what I learned help sustain me through the craziness of the last year and a half. When I think of how hard this is today, I remember back to when I was in chemo and how hard that was. I do have lasting effects from chemo. I have permanent peripheral neuropathy. The rain today is making that flare up, but I'm here. I'm not in chemo or radiation. I am cancer free. 

Joys for the week ending October 3, 2021

1. Fall is here. It's cool and crisp in the mornings, and just the perfect temperature by afternoon

2. I have had some pain this week, but have been able to manage it.

3. It's Breast Cancer Awareness month and I am dedicating all of my commission from my Posh business to the Breast Cancer society of WNY

4. Friday night was perfect for a bonfire and a soak in the hot tub

5. Mark and I had a day date yesterday.

Here's to a good week keep striving to #findyourjoy

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Life and Joys ending the week of September 26th

 Life. It is something I often think about. I ask myself questions like:

Am I living the life I want?

Am I living the life I am capable of?

Am I happy with my life?

Is there something more I should be doing with my life?

Is there a way to live a "better" life(and what is that)?

These are all questions we ask sometimes.

I often wish life was easier. I think it's because it seems incredibly hard right now. In my existence anyway. That's the thing. My life really isn't bad. I have frustrations, but there are many things I have to be thankful for in this life. For instance:

I would like a new refrigerator. The seal on my freezer is weird right now and it leaks, so there is a small puddle on the floor. Then the water in the drip tray freezes, and my freezer food gets iced over. I take everything out, put it in coolers and then defrost the freezer. It's a pain. But....... when I really step back and look at it, I have a way to keep food frozen, I have food in my freezer. In my short-sightedness, I saw a pain in the butt freezer, but I have luxuries many don't. 

When we came home from church, the dogs had wrecked a piece of furniture. It can be fixed(and honestly, I wanted different cushions anyway). I was exhausted just looking at the mess. But, when I stepped back and looked..... I have chairs to sit in, I have a dining room table that fits many family and friends. 

I look at some people and think to myself, "They are so lucky because they are......(fill in the blank)."

 I'm sure you've done it too. 

or "If only I would have done (fill in the blank) I would have been able to (fill in the blank again). 

I need to stop looking at others' lives, and create my own. The life I was given. I need to do the best with it. 

So, that's my challenge for you and me this week. Ask yourself those hard questions about life. Then start living the best life you can. Starting with finding joys is always good. It will get you prepared to go out and live that best life.

Joys for the week ending September 26th

1. I didn't cry everyday so we're making progress.

2. It was a rough week with neuropathy, but I saw my Pain management team Monday and we are working on a plan.

3. I love the cooler weather.

4. I was able to take some time Saturday morning to snuggle in my favorite chair with a cup of coffee.

5. I made some wonderful homemade French Onion soup. I love Fall!

Have a great week, and I hope you can #findyourjoy

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Crying and joys ending the week of September 19th

 Some say crying is good for the soul. If that is true, then my soul should be very good. Since school has started I have cried everyday except last Friday. This is hard. I knew why but also didn’t know why. Last year we were hybrid. That had its own challenges but my class sizes were smaller. I could connect with kids much easier. I also was making connections with kids through chats when they were online. Now that we’re back to “normal” my class sizes are as big or bigger than they were pre-pandemic. I guess I forgot how hard that was. 

Last year I barely ever had to remind the kids to keep their masks on. Now I say it 50 times a day at least. It’s exhausting. 

I hope I start getting used to this, because I need a life outside of school and need to not cry every day. 

Finding joys was hard this week, but I found them and here they are:

1. We installed our new pastor on Sunday.

2. My student teacher started teaching her lesson and she is doing great

3. The students are beginning to play ukuleles in class and they love it

4. Movie night on the deck and a gorgeous moon

5. A Saturday with nothing to do but watch what I wanted to watch

As always I hope you can #findyourjoy 

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Oh the tiredness and Joys ending the week of 9/12

 I am tired. This partial week at school kicked my butt. In my 30 years of opening days, this by far was the hardest. There are too many reasons why so I won't go in to them. Some I could have controlled, but many I could not. That is why I'm so tired. Trying to control the things I have no control over. I just saw Frozen on stage at Sheas yesterday, and my husband says" not to sound like a jerk, but you can't control everything and sometimes you just have to "Let it Go"". After I rolled my eyes at him. I had to sit with that thought. What did I conclude........ I don't like that. I wasn't surprised. It is VERY hard for me to Let things Go. It's something I am constantly working on. I do okay with some things, but when it comes to a situation where I have been hurt..... hurt by words that someone has said to me, especially when it is something I am passionate about..... those words HURT and it is hard to Let them go. So, I continue to work on it, because not letting go means I am weary. I am weary physically, mentally, and spiritually. 

Even in the midst of a week like that, I did find Joys. I am fighting like mad to hold on to those and let the other go, so if you could send some thoughts and prayers my way for strength to do that, I would appreciate it. 

here are my joys for the week:

1. Sunday and Monday were amazing. I drank my morning coffee while in the hot tub. I love slow mornings!

2. I met my student teacher and she started. She'll be great. She is making connections with kids already and at the age level I teach, that is huge in my book.

3. I made it through 3 days of school.

4. We celebrated my dad's birthday Friday. I made his favorite meal and we played dominoes(always fun)

5. Mark and I took two of our nephews to Sheas Saturday and then to dinner. They loved the show and we had awesome conversations about the technical aspects of the show and how they did certain things. One of them has been to the theater a lot, the other one had never been to Sheas to see a broadway production. His awe and wonder of it made my day!

Here's to being able to stay rested and focused for this week, and as always, I hope you can #findyourjoy

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Am I Ready? and Joys ending the week September 5th

 Am I ready? Are my colleagues ready?

Ready as we'll ever be. As we head into another unprecedented school year, there are things I'm excited about and things I am still concerned about. 

I am a planner. It's how I manage to balance all the things I do. I have cut way down in the last few years as I need to make sure I am taking care of me, but there's still a plan. When you are a planner in the middle of a pandemic.... well, that throws a lot of things awry and taking care of myself becomes more important. 

I am concerned at the number of students that will be in my room during some class periods. Not for me, but for them. We are used to being able to teach with the students at tables in groups, but cannot, so there are desks facing forward. That is so hard for teaching the way I'd like to.

On the positive side, I do get my chorus back. In multiple sections so I can fit them in far enough apart to remove masks. I'm used to multiple groups though, so this isn't too bad. I kept my chorus total remote last year, so it's nice to have them back.

I am ready. I am ready as I can be. So I move forward. I take care of myself mentally and physically, and move forward.

Here are my joys for the week:

1. Being in my classroom getting ready.

2. Seeing Donna everyday. It's weird when we don't see and talk everyday. Here's to year 22 teaching together!

3. Starting my 30th year teaching! It's surreal

4. Starting year 26 at Pioneer. 

5. Leisure mornings to sit and drink my coffee.

Hope you can #findyourjoy this week!

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Gearing up and Joys ending the week of August 29th

 After today, I have two more days of vacation and then school gets started. I'm ready but not ready. I'm ready because I really do better on a stricter schedule. I'm not ready, because I'm loving no schedule! LOL

This will be another interesting year, but the difference is that teachers have experienced the things that could happen last year. That part of it is no longer unknown. So, I prepare.... for what? Teaching music. I am starting my 30th year of teaching overall and my 26th at Pioneer Middle School. As far as teaching music? I am ready. For dealing with what is or could be happening(ie-masks, distancing, or fingers crossed this doesn't happen- remote or hybrid learning)? I am ready. 

So to school we go on Wednesday!

Here are my joys for the week:

1. I have a job I love

2. I have a home where I am safe and secure.

3. I was able to attend the interment of my aunt and uncle's ashes to their final resting place together.It was held on what would have been their 58th wedding anniversary.

4. Seeing family I hadn't seen in over a year.

5. Having the opportunity to rest before starting the school year.

Hope you can take a little time this week, and #findyourjoy!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Can you relate? and Joys ending the week of 8/22/21

 It's starting again. As we come closer to the start of school, the numbers that are creeping up with the virus, and the mask and vaccine debate..... people are getting very mean again. I could have pulled up a post from about a year ago and it would read the same. What is bothering me the most this time though, is not only am I surprised by some of the people that are being mean, but also how some of them are saying that people should have a choice, but if you don't follow their way of thinking or their choice, they are making "little" comments about your choice. If you say it's a choice, then leave it at that. I made my choice and you made yours. 

I'm just upset by the people I know who choose to be nasty to others on social media and in person just because their choice is different. I'm at a loss as to why people cannot be nice. 

A favorite band of mine just came out with a song that sums this up: Relate by For King and Country

I don't know what it's like to be you
You don't know what it's like to be me
What if we're all the same in different kinds of ways
Can you, can you relate?
We both know what it's like to be hurt
We both know what it's like to feel pain
But I think it's safe to say we're on to better days
Can you, can you relate?
Can you relate?

No matter what side of anything we are on, we have all felt pain and hurt. Those feelings are the same. The circumstances under which we came to those feelings may be different, but we've all felt them. So, we can relate to one another.... if we just take time to. We will be on to better days. 
So, this week, stop and think before you speak or write something on social media and decide... Is this hurtful? because I know what it is like to feel hurt by someone, and do I really want to do that?
By doing that, you will find Joy in things that are deep and real.

My Joys for the week:
1. I made a huge dent in cleaning my house. Having things in order for the start of the school year makes me happy.
2. Mark, Nate and I went to the Wyoming county fair and helped with a colonial cooking demonstration.
3. I went for my Mammogram. it was clear!!
4. Mark had a good appointment with the head and neck surgeon.
5. We had church outside today. It was beautiful weather for it!

Have a good week and I hope you can #findyourjoy

Sunday, August 15, 2021

A very different week and joys ending 8/15

 It was a very different week. A week full of joys and sadness. A week where many young people I know, now are wrestling with mortality. Wrestling with things they said or didn't say. Saying goodbye to friends, family, and classmates. Getting ready to move on to the next chapter of their lives. 

My week was met with providing a listening ear, and I hope some comfort for those who needed it. By the end of the week, I was ready to take some time away. Mark and I went to Paige and Jared's on Thursday and stayed through today. The plans we had, weren't the plans that happened, but that was perfectly fine. I enjoyed everything we did, and everywhere we went. We also just hung out at their houses and laughed, and watched movies, and ate snacks! 

At any moment your life can be rocked by devastating news. Make sure you take time for yourself. Let yourself work through the feelings you have. Then move to the joys. They are there, waiting for you. 

My joys week ending 8/15:

1. Even under these horrible circumstances, being able to talk to some of my former show choir students, and help them make sense of this.

2. My school. Pioneer is a great place that cares about kids and rallies around them to be supportive in good times and bad.

3. Mark. He was great this week. He just listened and let me cry.

4. Paige and Jared. They opened their house to us. The visit was a lot of fun.

5. Nate- He held down the fort here so we could go.

Monday, August 9, 2021

A lesson and joys ending week of 8/8

 I should’ve wrote this post yesterday, but found myself very busy and decided to leave it for today. However, this morning I received some tragic news about two former students who were fatally injured in a car accident last night. I didn’t want to write this post on joys. Not when I’m grappling with this news. One of those students was a very special student to me. He was a member of my show choir the year I returned after 6 months of chemo and radiation. It was after that school year his mom was diagnosed and it was hard for him. He made through high school and graduated a couple of months ago. Shortly after that, his mom lost her battle with cancer. Now he’s gone too. His sister just graduated 8th grade and was part of the music department as well. My heart is breaking for her and her family. It’s breaking for the Pioneer community and the graduating class who are getting ready to leave for college. 

How can I even think about writing joys today. Ironic….. if I had written this yesterday, it would have been very different.

So now I have to fight hard for these joys of the past week as I think about this tragedy. Isn’t that what this is about though? Finding joys through the muck and mire of life? 

So, here we go:

1. Last week was restful. No go to sleep or wake up times

2. I have been cleaning and re-organizing 

3. I sang a song that Mark suggested in church yesterday. It felt good.

4. Mark actually sang with me.

5. We had our parents over for a wonderful dinner last night. 

I’m all about looking for lessons learned, and here’s what I take from this, and why it was necessary for me to write this post today instead of yesterday.

Hold on to your family tight. Solve those issues. Love each other, even through the muck and mire of life. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Camping and Joys ending the week of August 1

 This post is very late because we went camping! We didn't camp at all last year, and it was long overdue. It was relaxing, except when you have to pack up and come home. We won't get another trip in this year because the campsites are really booked up. The weekend was crazy but Thursday and Sunday nights were fairly empty and quiet which is what Mark tolerates the best. I looked for sites we like all over the state for a week trip, but everything is booked. Maybe next year. 

It is August, and I'm finished teaching summer school so day trips and dr. appointments will be filling our time. I'm trying to not think about school(which is hard to do) and just enjoy every day as it comes.

Here's my joys for the week:

1. Camping- even the little bit of rain was welcomed. There is nothing like lying in your camper listening to the rain on the roof

2. Family reunions. We had two this weekend!

3. Finishing up summer school. The team I work with is awesome!

4. I'm still working on the ukulele. It's a lot of fun!

5. New products for Posh were released.

Hope you are enjoying your summer and as always #findyourjoy

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Last week of July already and Joys for the week ending 7/25

 I saw a friend's facebook post about it being the last week of July and where summer had gone. I feel the same, but am determined to make August a great month! I have a few day trips planned and some other fun things, and some days of doing absolutely nothing. It's so important to have days where you do nothing. Well, it is for me anyway. As I get older, I think it takes me longer to re-charge! LOL!

Anyway, Here are my joys for the week:

1. Summer school is going well. 3 weeks down and 1 to go!

2. I am slowly getting better at the ukulele!

3. I had a great day playing Ukes with some of my colleagues!

4. The Olympics started. It's weird without people in the stands but still fun to watch the incredible athletes

5. Went to a graduation party today for the son of some dear friends. 

Hope you had a good week and remember to #findyourjoy

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Opportunities and Joys ending the week of July 18

 Having an opportunity to share your story is an awesome experience. I had not shared my find your joy journey with anyone new in quite a while, but Wednesday night, an opportunity popped up unexpectedly. I could have not taken the opportunity, and just kept quiet, or gone about my day, but I didn't. I shared. I took 15 minutes out of my day, and I shared. 

This person knew about my cancer diagnosis and Mark's health issues, but not about the personal struggle and how we combated negativity with purposefully finding our joy. She had lost her only child, a daughter quite a few years ago. She was married and had a child (a girl) of her own. This loss has really affected them all. The most profound thing about this is... she told me she struggles because her daughter's name was ... Joy! She told me she struggles when she sees the name, and Christmas time is difficult because there are plaques and signs and cards that all talk about Joy or being Joyful. We talked, and parted ways.

Today at church, she stopped me, and told me I was such an inspiration to her, and that she will never look at seeing the name Joy again as a negative, but as a positive and as a little hug from her daughter in Heaven. She gave me a gift of an angel with the bible verse "For the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10.

Even though she kept telling me how big of a blessing I had been to her this was her who blessed me. 

So, don't walk away from opportunities to share your just might find yourself more blessed than ever.

Here's my joys for the week:

1. Sharing my joy journey

2. Receiving a gift that was so heartfelt

3. Finishing the 2nd week of summer school. Two more to go

4. Completing some household tasks that needed to be done

5. A short day date with Mark.(we have some others planned for August!)

I hope you can share your story and as always I hope you can #findyourjoy

Saturday, July 10, 2021

To schedule or not to schedule and Joys ending for the week July11, 2021

 Having a schedule....... it's a necessary evil I think. I have a pretty strict schedule during the school year, but like to not have one when on vacation. However, if I don't have some sort of schedule or plan, I begin to get anxious because I'm afraid of not getting something done that might make it easier when I have to have a stricter schedule when things get busy again. Ugh.... it makes my head spin!

How "scheduled" are you? How do you balance a schedule with no schedule and getting things done and that anxious feeling etc?  Let me know

Here are my joys for the week:

1. Survived the first week of summer school

2. I'm learning to play the ukulele so I can teach it next year.

3. I had a pretty unstructured Saturday. it was hard, but nice.(see above)

4. Watched Black Widow on the deck and had some snacks! Best movie theater around!

5. Read for myself this week. I'm trying to do more reading.

Stop and enjoy a quiet moment for yourself this week, and as always I hope you #findyourjoy

Monday, June 28, 2021

I'm in summer mode and Joys ending the week of June 27

 You can tell I'm in summer mode because I'm posting this on Monday! I love not having a schedule. It won't be for long as I have to prepare and teach summer school, but August will be a time of not having a schedule again! 

I saw this quote the other day, and I apologize that I can't remember where or who said it, but it made me stop and think.

"More is lost from indecision than a bad decision." 

I guess they are not talking about a bad decision like something you have done before and it was a bad decision, but not "going" for something because you wouldn't make the decision. 

Making decisions is hard sometimes. As I'm nearing a time I could literally be thinking about retirement, there are a lot of decisions to be made. When is the right time? What do we want to do in retirement? Will we have enough money to do it? 

I have a feeling I'll know when the decisions need to be made if they are the right ones or not. I will make them though. 

Here are my joys for the week:

1. School is done. What a crazy year.

2. I'm feeling content. I love spending some leisure time with Mark with no plans.

3. Nate opens in the Shakespeare walk through Delaware Park on Tuesday. We had the opportunity to do the walk for their dress rehearsal. It was really cool. 

4. The top to the Jeep has been off for two days! I love it!

5. I get to see Paige and Jared this weekend. 


Sunday, June 20, 2021

The School Year is Ending this Week and Joys ending the Week of 6/20

 The school year is ending this week. It has been an interesting year.... one of the toughest ever in my career. I applaud all educators who have persevered during these last 15 months. Bravo! We made it. We made it through many different types of teaching, we made it through being considered heroes to then being considered lazy and uncaring. The negatives were from frustration I know, but it was hard for all of us. Now we rest. or Now we rest? Teachers hardly ever rest. I know I will begin teaching summer school on July 6th and I have a lot to get done to be ready to do that. I have also scheduled all of my professional development hours in July, so I am hoping to be able to take August off. We'll see though, like I said....teachers hardly ever rest.

Here are my joys for the week:

1. It was mine and Mark's 31st wedding anniversary on Tuesday. I love him more today than yesterday.

2. We were able to go out to dinner on Saturday night to The Old Orchard Inn to celebrate. The food was delicious, and it was quiet enough so Mark was good.

3. Today is Father's Day. My dad is the best! I will see him today for dinner, but we spent the last two days getting some family ancestry things in order. 

4. I was able to play in church again this morning. I provided special music. It feels so good to be able to contribute again.

5. Nate is back in rehearsals for Shakespeare. It makes him so happy... and me too!

Have a great week and #findyourjoy

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Joys ending the week of June 13 and The End is in Sight!

 The end of the regular school year is in sight! As I was creating videos for my students who are still on full remote, I realized how much we ALL have endured. Those kids who remained remote... well, most have done well. I told them how proud I was of them and to the 8th graders I passed on some advice for High School and to the 7th graders that I hoped I would see them in person next year. 

We finish on June 25th with students, and then I start again teaching summer school on July 6th. Not a huge turn around time, but I'll put my nose to the grindstone once more and get it done. I will be able to complete all of my necessary 11 month hours that I can in the month of July... then I'll rest. August will be for me. 

Make sure you take time for yourself, really rest. 

Here's my joys for this week:

1. My 8th grade students are doing really well with their final analysis songs. They are learning a lot about the songs they picked. More than they thought they would I think.

2. Our school district lifted the mandatory wearing of masks. My biggest fear was how the students would treat each other. Donna and I just approached it like everything else in our classroom.... RESPECT. We told the students that no matter what we want everyone to respect each other. So far so good.

3. Mark and Nate went to an event yesterday. It's a rendevouz called the Joey. They had a nice time and I'm glad to see Mark and Nate do this together.

4. I'm playing some a church again. It is nice.

5. Mark and I will celebrate our anniversary this week. 

I hope you can find your joy this week.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

This was a rough week and Joys for the week ending June 6

 This was a rough week. I didn't feel well for most of the week. I can't truly put my finger on why this happened, it just did. My ankle that I broke 11 years ago began swelling and giving me trouble. This caused my blood pressure to go up. Although that was probably more stressed related. I need to take some control back with the things i can control, and find some way to let go of the things that bother me that I cannot control. I spent a lot of time evaluating some things this week. I evaluated some relationships, I evaluated my health, I evaluated the things I commit to.... just a lot of reflection and evaluating. It's good to sit, reflect and evaluate. I should really do it more often. 

Anyway...through all of the chaos of my week, there were some joys too, so here they are:

1. I played for the High School production of "The Pajama Game". I'm glad the kids were able to do it and have a limited live audience.

2. The Music Department Golf Tournament was fun and successful. We can most certainly continue giving scholarships to students going into music!

3. Mark was able to play golf 5 times this week. It makes him happy.

Did you find some joy? I hope so!

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Joys ending week of May 30

 It has been a busy week, but a good week. Here are my joys:

1. I'm playing for the High School musical. It's been exhausting but fun. The kids are working really hard.

2. Mark's birthday was Friday. Paige came home. Mark, Paige, Nate and I went to lunch. Just the four of us. I can't tell you how long it has been since that happened. i wish Jared could've come... next time. 

3. I made a chocolate salad dressing cake with peanut butter frosting(mark's favorite) for his birthday. I'm getting pretty good at it!

4. I did my first vendor show as a Posh consultant. It was so fun talking to people and share my story. It was very cold for May 29th but people came out!

5. Memorial Day is tomorrow. We have a ceremony to go to behind the stores in Springville. Nate and Mark will dress with the Fiddler's Green Militia and offer a gun salute. Things are starting to get back to normal. 

Stay safe and have a good week. 

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Joys ending the week of May 23

 It has been a hard week pain wise but I am able to still find my joy. I have a lot to be joyful for. 

Here they are:

1. Saturday morning I was able to do yoga on the deck. Stretching and listening to the birds was so good for my soul.

2. Remington slept on his dog bed 3 nights in a row! He's 6 months and doing really well!

3. I was able to have breakfast on the deck many mornings this week. I love starting my day this way!

4. Mark had a good doctors appointment with the doctor who did his surgery last fall. The lymph nodes look good and no cancer is left!

5. Ultimately, I have a job, food on my table, a home, and love.


Sunday, May 16, 2021

Joys ending the Week of May 16

 This has been an interesting week. I can't quite put my finger on why, but it has. Nothing bad happened, nothing outstandingly remarkable either.... just kind of normal. Which is good remind you... normal is good and I'll take it!

My joys for the week:

1. The weather is starting to turn around. I love this kind of weather but am VERY thankful we get to experience all four seasons

2. I started playing for the High School Musical. It's nice to just come in and play and not be responsible for anything else.

3. Mark had a good week. He's really tired, but that means he did stuff... which is good for him and me!

4. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for this school year. We have quite a few weeks to go, but we are closing in on finishing a difficult year.

5. We had our first bonfire of the year on Friday and it was perfect! 


Sunday, May 9, 2021

Joys Ending the week of May 9th and Mother's Day

 It was a nice Mother'sDay. My kids worked together and got me a bracelet I have wanted for awhile. Nate brought me coffee and cinnamon rolls this morning, then helped me make dinner which we took to my parents house for our weekly dinner and dominoes date. I also talked to Paige this morning while she was getting ready to host Jared's family for brunch. 

My neuropathy has been horrible for the last week and will probably not settle down for the next week if the forecast is correct. I'm managing though. When I get really down about it, I just remember all the blessings or I see a situation that is far worse than what I'm dealing with. For instance, Mark went to a colonial rendezvous this weekend, and one of the older guys there who has been doing this for a long time was there. He also has neuropathy. He also has a leg so bad that they have contemplated having to amputate. His family knows how much he loves this so they came and set his stuff up for him, and got him into camp. The rest of the camp spent the weekend visiting him, bringing him treats and bringing him joy. On Sunday, his family came and helped him pack up and go home. 

What small thing can you do this week for someone to bring them joy? Look for opportunities. It'll spread some kindness and joy to that person, and will make you feel fantastic.

My joys for the week:

1. I had a wonderful Mother's Day

2. I spent Saturday doing what I wanted, and binge watched some tv.

3. Mark had a good time at rendezvous. It makes him happy which makes me happy.

4. Tried a new lesson on Wednesday. It paired popular music with emotions. It went pretty well.

5. I'm going to do the lesson again this Wednesday for the other group of students I have. I need to strengthen up the end of the lesson. I'm so glad i get another crack at it.

Have a great week and #findyourjoy

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Joys for the week ending May 2nd

 It is finally May! The school year was flying by and since the whole student body came back 5 days a week it has crawled. This has been really hard. I guess I got used to smaller classes due to the hybrid situation. It was so nice having smaller classes, being able to really connect with students because of those small classes, and there were no discipline issues. It's back to reality now. Larger classes, less connections, and more discipline issues. 

Anyway, this week is teacher appreciation week. I don't want or need "things". I need to know that I'm valued and showed that I am valued. I have taught middle school for 25 years and fully know that this age group rarely tells their teachers how much they appreciate them. It's the age, it's fine. Sometimes I do get the privilege of former students coming back and telling me the impact which is nice, but I am not there for that. The students that do come back though, they are usually students from my choir or show choir. I have more opportunities to connect with those groups. Most are there because they want to be, not because they have to be. I don't have those groups this year. I honestly don't think I could handle them in my schedule with everything else I have to do. I also know that I teach in an area that "isn't the core", and sometimes my colleagues will hold students from coming to my class because the student needs to do something for them. I know that their actions aren't personal, but we are all a little fragile right now and I have been taking it personally. 

It's exhausting, I'm exhausted, I'm feeling like a bad teacher right now. I feel like I can't create the lessons or the environment I want to and it's frustrating. So... I'm looking hard for those joys, but I found some and here they are:

1. Mark has had a good end of the week. Not so great at the beginning, but he had a good ending.

2. I was able to thoroughly clean the downstairs and it looks good. 

3. Nate was able to travel to Connecticut for some dear friends wedding. He had a great time!

4. I have a new lesson I am going to do on Wednesday. It combines popular music and emotions. It fits well with our current unit of study and will cover social emotional learning goals which are so needed for these students. 

5. We had some nice weather days this week and I am thankful for the beauty of my backyard to enjoy it. 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Joy in "Things"(Joys ending April 25th)

 I had a rough week finding my joy. The only thing I posted that brought me joy was one 7th grade class who had a great time improving the blues on bell sets. So I thought that naturally all of my classes would. WRONG! Some did not and it wasn't as fun. 

That got me thinking. Am I putting too much into finding joy in "things"? I kind of feel that finding it in a thing or being dependent on other people to create the joy for me was my only option this week. 

Teachers are struggling. Do not let them fool you. We are happy to have students back, but it is REALLY hard. Compound that with the grade levels I teach(7th and 8th grade), and most of them are not happy to be back like this either. Discipline issues are up in my classes due to doubling the number of students in there and the fact that they had a lot more freedom during the week with things like phones etc. 

They are more moody than ever. 

As the adult and teacher, I try to do what I can, but it is difficult. I hope things start to turn around soon. Also, many parents and other adults considered teachers heroes at the beginning of this, but now many feel like we are lazy. It's been defeating in many ways. I love the profession I chose, and knew there would be hard times but this is something I never anticipated. 

Back to finding joy. I'm working on really digging deep and finding joy within me, not in external things that I don't have control over. So here's my list for the week:

1. I think we had the final snow of the season (fingers crossed)

2. I was able to help Paige with a paper this week. I felt like I was really teaching and contributing

3. I was able to play for two students' solos for the virtual state solo festival.

4. I did get to sit on the deck yesterday morning and enjoy my coffee

Hope you #findyourjoy this week!

Sunday, April 18, 2021

How do you "Let it Go"? and Joys ending the week of April 18th

 Letting things go is super hard for me. I think it might be a girl thing. When I have a bad day...or week (like this week), I'll come home and Mark will listen to my re-telling of the day... but more often than not say"Kim, you have to let it go." Well, this week.... that totally annoyed me! 

I have a hard time letting things go. Do you? So, I did a little evaluating this weekend on why I have such a hard time. 

I'm a planner. I like to have a plan and have everything in order. I try to be flexible, and sometimes I can be, but when my plans are dependent on someone else doing something I think they should it all falls apart.

So, where am I now? I am struggling. I am struggling between the plan I have in my head not being able to happen because the people I need to make changes so that will happen can't or won't and just saying "oh well, that's the way it's going to be" and move on. The problem comes when it is something that you care about. 

I haven't resolved this, and it might never be resolved and I might have to be okay with that. 

This week.... I work on "Letting Go".

In the midst of this chaos in my head and heart, I have found joys and here they are:

1. Sunday dinner and dominoes with my parents are the best

2. My colleague Bridgette had her baby a couple of weeks early and everyone is doing fine!

3. Nate is her sub so I get to work with him through the end of the year.

4. The sun is shining and that helps my soul

Sunday, April 11, 2021


 What a beautiful week to have Spring break! It was perfect weather. I have so many things that brought me joy this weekend I feel renewed and ready to tackle the end of the school year. I'm so thankful.

Here's my joys for the week ending April 11th

1. We got our patio furniture out!

2. I was able to have leisurely coffee mornings on that furniture on the deck!

3. I spent quality time with Mark and Nate

4. I had my first one on one yoga lesson in a long time (via zoom). I am so thankful for Danielle!

5. Spent some quality time with Paige and Jared when we went to Rochester to spend the night at their house. (Thanks for watching the house and dogs Nate!)

How was your week?


Sunday, April 4, 2021

Joys for the week ending April 4th (Easter Sunday)

 Happy Easter! It is sunny and fairly warm. I don't care as much about the temperature as I do about the sunshine. Sunshine always is a pleasant sight, it makes me feel better. I'm hearing there is going to be a spectacular sunset tonight so I'm hoping to drive somewhere awesome to see it.

I have a lot to be joyful for this week, so here we go:

1. I am loved by the One who loves perfectly. I am thankful for this resurrection Sunday 

2. I am also loved by an amazing spouse- Mark is the most amazing man I know

3. It is Spring break from school. I do have a few things I need to do so won't be able to unplug entirely, but this week off is much needed.

4. I re-arranged my closet and have a huge bag of clothes to donate. 

5. I read 28 Summers in two days and am looking forward to more leisure reading this week.


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Joys for the week ending 3/28

 It’s been an interesting week, but I still found joys! 

1. Sitting on the deck!

2. Hearing the birds chirping in the morning!

3. It’s light out again while driving to work! 

4. My mom’s birthday! 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Is Joy a choice? and My joys ending the week of March 21st

 Is joy a choice? I was asked this question this week. Not by someone who was searching for joy, but by someone who strives to find it everyday. I thought for a moment, and said "Yes" it is. We all know people who are persistently negative. They only write negative things on facebook or other social media platforms. I was very close to being that person this week many times, but deleted my posts every time. Not because I wanted to hide the fact that I was having a hard week but because I have other avenues to deal with the hard things that come up and I have chosen to not use Facebook as the tool to get rid of those feelings. I don't mind when people do that though, I actually try to send some positivity their way in hope that it helps them turn things around. If I have some valuable insight into their struggles, I will also private message them. This week, however, when I was having some struggles, I simply snoozed a few of those people. I've been at my joy journey long enough that I know when toxic things can destroy my ability to find joy. I have to take care of my mental state first.

This week was hard. It has been an emotional week for teachers. One year since the shutdown, and new guidelines coming out daily. Just when I'm feeling like I'm doing alright with how things are, they change. That can be hard. Couple that with one year ago, teachers were heroes and now we are targets by so many. Even people I am close with have been bashing teachers, and my area of teaching in particular. I am human and it hurts. I love teaching, and I love music. It is an essential part of me, so why bash it? It  hurts me. Then I realized it is because they are frustrated and can't find their joy maybe. I remember how that feels. I remember being absolutely miserable and not feeling like my life was going anywhere. I still have moments like that. After this week, on Friday evening, I lost it, and lost it big. I was angry, I was sad, and I was done. Poor Mark got the brunt of it, but fortunately he sees it as his job as my husband and partner to help me work through these things and I do the same for him. I am so grateful for him. 

So is joy a choice?.... YES! and I strive to choose it everyday. It makes me a better person for myself and others. 

Joys for this week

1. Mark- he just listens and loves me.

2. The beautiful sunshine

3. The birds chirping in the morning. -Spring is here!

4. Puppy kisses in the morning!

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Joys of the week ending March 14th and some extra thoughts a year later

 I have been using the #Findyourjoy mantra for almost 5 years. I can't believe that really, but it's true. It has gotten me through cancer and the treatment, the permanent damage from the treatment, Mark's stroke and his subsequent health issues, but most recently it has gotten me through this last year.

This has been a learning year, I'm not going to say it was bad or horrible, because the whole time wasn't bad or horrible. Granted, I had had a lot of practice at finding joy before this happened and that certainly does not mean it gets easier, but I can lean faster into the joyful things that do happen or I can at least find something or someone who can help me move in that direction. 

Anyway, as mark and I were talking last night about how we felt a year ago. Did we go to the store and stock up? Did we endlessly watch the news? Were we scared or nervous? Honestly... we couldn't remember. The first things I remember was going to school to hand out packets, then going to school to sit outside at a computer to get the files I needed, and finally getting 15 minutes in the school to grab any necessary materials I would need to teach from home. Then I got to work and taught from home. It was hard. It was eye-opening. It made me think about my teaching which was a good thing in my eyes. If I'm not trying to improve then I should be done. 

Being home (even though it was hard) was a huge blessing. I was able to see into Mark's day. See first- hand his good days and bad days. This time also provided a big blessing. Mark was awarded full disability after a three year wait. We were fine on one income(we did change a lot of things to make that happen), but this gave us some breathing room. 

My biggest regret was that I stopped sharing for awhile. Once I had taken people through the initial steps of finding your joy, I stopped. I stopped because I wasn't experiencing what I saw others experiencing through the shutdown. Some were from the tv and social media, but some were the struggles I saw immediate friends and family members going through. I didn't want to seem like I was bragging or boasting because I was still finding my joy. 

With no commute to work (just to my home office) I was able to sit on the deck and linger a bit over a cup of coffee. I was able to take a lunch break and sit and talk to Mark. I was able to clean my house, and do some organizing I had put off. I was content being at home. I was safe being at home. I was with Mark. I didn't see Paige and Jared for quite awhile but we face-timed almost every day. 

I had someone ask me why I had stopped blogging. Honestly I wasn't really sure how many people read my blog. So I had to do some soul searching and decided that if I shared my joys maybe that would help others find theirs. 

What have I learned? On a basic level, I was a very busy person. I liked not being so busy this last year. It gave me time for things I didn't know I was missing. 

Yesterday, a friend from college sent me a surprise package in the mail. It contained a keychain, notepads, and pens that say #Findyourjoy. What a lovely gift. It also contained a note from her. She has also been through some health struggles in the past and has loved embracing #Findyourjoy. I was humbled and I cried. Thank you Elizabeth for the thoughtful gift. 

So... here are my joys for the week

1. Mark is fully vaccinated

2. His almost 91 year old Grandmother is too. 

3. I got up early every day this week and spent time on my yoga mat before work. It made a big difference in my day.

4. Paige was able to visit for a few days. She brought her two dogs and all four dogs played so well. It made Mark smile and that makes me smile!


Sunday, March 7, 2021

Joys ending the week of March 7th and staying in the moment

 So, before I list my joys for the week, I need to write about a struggle I've had this week. It's thinking too far ahead and not living in the moment.

This has always been a struggle for me. I'm a planner. What i find though, is sometimes I am worrying about planning and thinking so far ahead, that I'm missing living in the moment. I need to slow down and create moments and just live in them. 

I am admitting right here, that I haven't been on my yoga mat for awhile. I had all sorts of excuses for it too. I LOVE to do yoga outside on my deck and obviously I can't do that in the winter so that was my main excuse.  I wasn't moving my body and I felt terrible. 

Today... I got on my yoga mat and stretched and then just rested and I breathed. It was amazing. 

Back to that as a priority for sure! 

Here are my Joys

1. Mark is scheduled for his vaccine tomorrow!! What a relief.

2. I had someone message me to tell me that my dad gave them their vaccine the other day. I am so proud of my dad. He is a retired nurse, and they asked him to come out of retirement to volunteer to give shots. He's a keeper!

3. Our puppy Remington is doing well. Still hasn't always mastered going potty outside, but certainly getting there.

4. I got on my yoga mat today and spent some time just stretching and breathing. 

It's going to be a great week in the weather department so #Findyourjoy

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Joys for the week ending February 28th

 Wow! Today is the last day of February! Tomorrow is March 1st! 

On the news shows this morning, many are talking about the anniversary of the shutdown coming up.  I have a lot to reflect on with in a couple of weeks I will do a separate post on that only. 

It's been a good week. Back to school after the break. It was nice to get into a routine again nice and refreshed. 

Here are my joys for the week.

1. Mark had a good week. He (with the help of Nate....and little Remington too) put in a new garbage disposal. Being able to do those things makes him feel good. Remington kept trying to crawl under the sink with him, and at one point stole his screwdriver and tried to drag his hammer away! He laughed and smiled when he was telling me about it.

2. I had a good week too. I got all of my assignments up for the week on Wednesday(first time ever), and I didn't have to do any school work at home this weekend.

3. Nate, Mark and I played Trivial Pursuit last night. Nate and I read all of the questions as that is difficult for Mark, but he remembers things so well (especially history).... and HE WON! He felt really good about that too!

These are little things that have really uplifted Mark's spirit this week... so even the littlest thing can bring Joy. Don't overlook them... Find them!

Have a good week and #Findyourjoy

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Joys ending February 21, 2021

 This week has flown by! Probably because it was a break week. I'm ready to go back and get into a schedule again. This also means that the next break is Easter and it'll be warmer! I'm ready for that too. Warmer weather, longer days, and more sunshine.

Here's my Joys for the week

1. A restful break. We did what we wanted when we wanted. It was lovely

2. Mark had an ok week. He gets better every day. I think getting him to the endocrinologist will help immensely and so will warmer weather and longer days with sunshine.

3. I've been keeping to my budget. I'm very proud of that.

4. Remington and Jaeger are doing amazingly together. Mark smiles when he is playing with them and that makes me smile.

We're almost to Spring(less than a month now).... Hang in there and #Findyourjoy

Thursday, February 18, 2021

What's on my mind?

 I love how Facebook asks "What's on your mind, Kim?" Well, I have a lot on my mind today....more than just a quick facebook post so I thought I'd write it here.

I am on February break this week. It's been a nice week. I get up when my body says it's time(or the puppy does! lol!), I have coffee in my pajamas, and watch the Today show. I have seen many multiple news reports on the affects of the pandemic on students and the call and need to get students back to school and how getting teachers vaccinated will help with that. 

I agree on quite a few of the points given, but there is one huge thing that is not being talked about.  How are educators going to take ALL of the lessons learned from this pandemic and remote learning and hybrid learning etc.,  and make a necessitated change to how we educate students in America? 

Teachers are creative, Many develop and deliver amazing lessons that are engaging. Teachers had to take that skill and turn it up a few notches during this time. Now we are facing more educational gaps than ever upon returning to "normal".  So, how do we address those gaps?

I believe that we need to look at each student individually, their skill set, and purposefully target those deficiencies. It's almost like having each student having an IEP. Students with and without disabilities, because let's face it.... all students will have some deficiencies coming out of this. 


Do we "reset" the grade level expectations? 

Do we need grade level expectations? 

Do we need individual student expectations? 

Here's where the problem lies. Schools have been working on a "age-level" cohort model for a long time. This pandemic and the toll on education should make us all realize that we are failing our students if we do not take them where they are at and move them through their educational years based on their skill set, needs, and interests. 

How do you figure out where a students is at?

How do you schedule that sort of thing throughout the day?

What about "extra" classes (BTW- I hate that term.... I am not extra or exploratory(everything is exploratory)). I AM ESSENTIAL! Not to every kid, but to many. 

Come on educators..... let's do what we want our students to do... THINK! Let's make up those "gaps". Let's make education a priority. Let's treat all classes as equal. Let's get the students involved in their education, and let's make it appropriate for each individual where they are at and help each student reach their utmost potential. 

I have a lot of ideas on this and may write again on it soon, but that's it for now. 
