I have a lot to say goodbye to because 2019 was a hard year. I feel like I finally made some progress around October-December in truly finding my joy. Don't get me wrong, there were joys in the first part of the year, and A LOT of lessons learned.
What do you do for the start of a new year? Do you make a resolution? a goal? an intention? What is the difference?
Here are the textbook definitions of all three of those words:
the act of resolving or determining upon an action, course of action, method, procedure, etc.
the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.
the terminal point in a race.
an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.
purpose or attitude toward the effect of one's actions or conduct
This year, I chose to work on intentions, and here's why.
A resolution by it's definition is to resolve or determine a course of action. I did do that, but to resolve sounds like something I did was wrong. I really didn't "do" anything wrong in 2019 that I need to "fix". I lived my life as best I could given each situation that was thrown at me. Could I have done some things differently? Sure, but I can't change those actions, only learn from them. I won't be put in those exact same circumstances again, so resolving to change them won't work for me.
A goal by its definition has a terminal end. My life is ever evolving, changing, and I'm constantly learning. My terminal end on this earth will be when I die, and I don't know when that will happen. So, until then, I live. I live the best life I can learning and growing.
An intention (in my opinion) is the best choice for me. I spent a few hours yesterday reflecting on 2019 month by month. Looking at the highs and lows and getting a grip on the whole year. I then thanked 2019 for the lessons and blessings it gave me, and said goodbye to it. It is in the past, and now I'm setting my sights on some intentions for 2020 through the lessons and blessings from 2019.
I have thought about resolutions , goals, or intentions for every year, but what was always missing is looking back at the previous year, acknowledging it, and saying goodbye to it.
That has been the most important piece to me. I can dwell on things I have done wishing I could get that time back and do it differently. The point is, I CAN'T, and I have to be okay with that. This year I am, and feel more than ready to look into 2020 with a clear mind, heart, body, and soul.
Whether you call them resolutions, goals, or intentions, spend some time looking backward and releasing 2019, and look forward to 2020 with hope, peace, love and especially Joy!